Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

can you try to express that as a sentence, in English?
Ukraine was a country while part of the USSR, Ukraine is no longer part of the USSR.

The point i was making, was that Ukraine existed as a unitary state simply because it was part of the much larger USSR.
The USSR suppressed nationalism and forced different ethnicities and religions to live together.
Once Ukraine gained independence, the cracks began to show, the overthrow of the democratically elected government by pro EU/US nationalists in W. Ukraine triggered the uprising by ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine.
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democratically elected government

Seemingly you only apply that term to pro-Putin puppets.

You are tying yourself in knots to try to justify the recreation of the Russian Empire.
Seemingly you only apply that term to pro-Putin puppets.

You are tying yourself in knots to try to justify the recreation of the Russian Empire.
You are in denial.
You try to paint a very simplistic picture of what is actually happening in places like Ukraine.
You are in denial. You favour Putin's dream of recreating a Russian Empire, with vassal states in Eastern and Central Europe subjugated by force.
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You favour Putin's dream of recreating a Russian Empire,

Your told he wants to do that. You seem to believe it. What countries want is influence over others. You don't seem to know what the Minsk agreement was about. It purely concerned Russian speaker and believers in part of Ukraine.

Why would he want this given how Russian economics work

So he invades and takes over the Ukraine. Oh dear he has nato countries on his boarder. Russia has had since it formed. That just leaves other strategic areas. Maybe he wants their grain but they produce a surplus without it.
Maybe he wants to emulate his hero: Churchill.
He seems to like walking about with his hands clasped behind his back. Might indicate something. I've never really made note of when he does.

This might interest some

The links for each country can be followed. Did I see far right nationalists mentioned in Ukraine's case? Might have seen the IMF's usual terms too somewhere.

Maybe the UK's idea of a Common Wealth figured too.
Rumours abound that the army may take power via a bloodless coup in Russia. Putin is passed by her sell-by date. Her yacht was seen leaving a boat yard in Europe a couple of days ago - they say its worth 100 million pounds where did he get all that money from
Rumours abound that the army may take power via a bloodless coup in Russia. Putin is passed by her sell-by date

I assume you started it. Putin is popular in Russia but as with all politicians favour falls eventually.
I assume you started it. Putin is popular in Russia but as with all politicians favour falls eventually.
Popular with the boys club and those that don't see him as popular are soon dealt with.

Where did he get the 100 million to buy and that boat and then the million-plus a year to run it.
Popular with the boys club and those that don't see him as popular are soon dealt with.

You forget he is voted into his position.

Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Russia in March 2024. In accordance with electoral law, the first round will be held on Sunday, 17 March.[1] The elections will be the first after the 2020 constitutional reforms.
If no candidate receives more than half the vote, a second round will take place exactly three weeks later on 7 April 2024.[2] Incumbent President Vladimir Putin has the right to seek re-election. Despite the two-term limit, Putin has been granted the right to run again for two more terms, after the 2020 constitutional reform. The winner of the election is scheduled to be inaugurated on 7 May 2024.[3]
As was the case in the 2018 presidential election, one of the most prominent[4][5][6] opposition leaders, Alexei Navalny, is barred from running due to a prior criminal conviction, which is widely seen as politically motivated

You will see a Russian troop withdrawal fairly soon from Belarus. ;) Some say he may not. You can guess who.

Russia did give one oligarch 10 years in jail for backing some political element.Money. Maybe it was the equivalent of the Nation Front or rather right wing; He now lives here.
Biden has told all American citezins to get out of The Ukraine

if they don’t he will not send in US forces to rescue them as and when it kicks off

dare say his son has left sold all his shares ? And shredded any docs ;)
You forget he is voted into his position.

You will see a Russian troop withdrawal fairly soon from Belarus. ;) Some say he may not. You can guess who.

Russia did give one oligarch 10 years in jail for backing some political element.Money. Maybe it was the equivalent of the Nation Front or rather right wing; He now lives here.

Rigged votes but who knows

Yes, he will be moving out as his intention was never to take all of ukraine but the west ie uk and usa hoping he will to distract from our pm of clowns woes.

As i said week ago since 2014 over 100k troops on ukrianes borders ever since

FACT - the 4 landing ships sent half the way around the world by Mrs Putin have no troops on them and nor will they. Putin is throwing away good money showing off whilst the ordinary Russian suffer at the hands of this clown.

Must dash as the food we ordered from the local restaurant is her in about 3 minutes
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