Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

It's all about influence really. Aid and loans can be as well. TBH I don't think war between major countries is possible any more due to all of the button around that are connected to nukes. ;) They would have to agree to not use them if one wants to conquer another. This is why countries aspire to have them.

Belarus is part of the Russian NATO, What better time to exercise it. It sounds like enough troops and gear is around with these included to start an invasion now. Israel is holding exercises in the occupied west bank. NATO hold them periodically. All do.

TBH I wonder if some of the things that are going relate to an intransigent Ukrainian president because some of the things the west are doing isn't doing him any good at all. If that is the case and it results in a solution you can bet we will hear things that suite a narrative based on where we live.

;) Our minister of defence must have read my post. He's pointed out that the Russians could do a lot without putting a foot in the Ukraine. Miles from it in fact.

:rolleyes:Afraid I watch Alj news now and again when interesting things are going on. Today is showed the Ukraine leader screaming don't panic especially now expats have been asked to go home. Also a smaller we will fight demo in Kiev. 100's also them putting police through new intensive training. I have suspected that the real problem is wider than just Donbas going on where various fightings have been going on. A civil war maybe. Alj - I see them as being fairly flat with their news but would wonder a bit when Israel is concerned and certain other news areas. ;) Also sounds like the French police may be getting the tear gas out again. Covid demo's joined by the usual loonies. Canada having that problem too and the USA says they are preparing for similar problems. ;) All of our artics are trying tp get into Dover so might be difficult to block the MI or what ever. The loonies that join in always make things worse.

What I would agree with that russia is out to destabilise the country but the UK's clown and the old guy in the usa are doing a better job than the Mrs Putin. 80% of people in Dombas are pro-russia

dont forget that there have been 100k plus russian troops on the borders since the walk-in to the Crimera.

Thankfully there will be no mass war as Ukraine has seen through the uk and usa.
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The russians have with drawn there embassy staff

war is iminent ;)

ounce it kicks off it could escalate into a world war ;)

Squeaky bum time

time to check the nuclear launch codes are up to snuff
80% of people in Dombas are pro-russia

Thee unfortunates really in the case of some outcomes. Biden mentioned a partial Russian incursion and was quickly shut up. It's a possibility. They even have us prepared if the entry is to protect pro Russians. Anything shown to prove it will be said to Russian instigated. How they could influence that defeats me.

Another reports says that observers have been pulled out of Dombas and shelling has increased. ;) Not one that I would trust but the OSCE has been involved.

:mrgreen:No harm in taking in a bit of RT as well. Needs some care though. They reckon Russia is stockpiling bitcoin instead of USD.:eek:
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And just remember as and when it kicks off

we are British :cool:

so act accordingly;)
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ajohn's Stalinist opinions.

I don't take a lot of notice of ill informed twits especially in areas such as this thread because you obviously don't even have a clue as to what it is all about on all sides that are concerned. You never will either what ever happens in the end.
The russians have with drawn there embassy staff

war is iminent ;)

ounce it kicks off it could escalate into a world war ;)
poor old skippy, what's he gonna do. how fast can you get to your aunties in austria :?:
Breaking - Sleepy Jo has drawn a line in the sand with help from Obama.

I did see an image of both of them created side by side but didn't listen. Seems there is some debate if the war will be on the 15 or 16th.

A fresh Ukrainian politician was on, female - what's the panic. The situation is no different to how it has been for 8years, no need to panic. They are used to it. She seemed to imply that NATO would rush to the rescue but may have been referring to sanctions, Bright lady, she would like to know what these are to see how effective they will be. She also mentioned Russia - USA talks and being piggy in the middle. They have mentioned not being involved in talks a few times. It seems the 8 years has given them time to prepare. Bit more on current police training - it concerns handling insurgents using high velocity rifles. That's what they were creeping around with.

I'm not sure where the 8 years comes from other than Minsk was signed in 2014 and II in 2015. Neither ended the fighting but not sure about shelling.

LOL Anyway JohnD knows all of the angles. All I think that is highly probable is no full scale invasion. Past that it depends on political views. Probably slanted by what the USA and Russia agree on if they can. Then comes the want to be Russian and don't want to be factions. Another political aspect. That is the part that needs a solution. It could go in several different directions.

:rolleyes: Biden it seems had a 1hr conversation with Putin. Seems all that was said is that sanctions will be applied. 1hr sounds a bit long for that and they have had more than one. Obviously nothing else was discussed.
Was Putin responsible for the above.

putin is attempting to re write history

which as I see it is an attempt to deny or appease what occurred during Stalin’s time ?
some organisation in Russia has recently been banned for highlighting Stalin’s crimes ??
Mind you dunno how the US would react if say

Canada became friendly with Russia to the extent that it allowed Russia to station combat troops there

The US would take a dim view of it
As said many times before.
Putin will not invade the whole of Ukraine in the ever. Someone else may years down
the road but then again someone could do that to England years down the road.

Putin has been shaken to the core and now confused that the usa/uk especially where most of his stolen money is may
put a hold on it. Putin has his 100 million pound boat taken out of a boat year in the EU early for the
fear of it being held.

Dombas as stated many times is iver 80% pro-Russian just like Crimea was and the latter was taken over
without a shot being fired

Putin the pussy has played into the hands of two very dangerous clowns ie Boris and the confused Bidne.

Bottom line and I put my good name to it - no full invasion of Ukraine and most likely 50/50
chance of a walk in to Dombas. In Dombas firing of bullets and shelling on and off since 2014 and people
pro russian and pro Ukraine and those stuck in the middle want the fighting to stop - so to save face of
Putin, he will be allowed to walk in with Russian backed separatists
poor old skippy, what's he gonna do. how fast can you get to your aunties in austria :?:

skippy is fine although she is a bright cat I don’t think she is aware of as to what is going on :idea:

I do have a couple of aunts in Austria

but if I was going there it would be to my mother and sisters place

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