Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

media hysteria when Russia was bombing civilians in Syria
Interesting time that one as the USA was bombing other areas in Syria It looked to be as near as they ever got to a joint mission.
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When you have a democratically elected politician like Blair who blatently abuses his position of authority to start an illegal war based on
Fully backed by the Tory at the time. What you actually saw and heard was the so called special relationship. We seem to be hearing now too and joining in.

Based on a rather loose British intelligence report.
how times have changed from the russian government funding the labour party in the 60`s and 70`s and the then leader wilson thought to be a spy by our security services

More bullshit. Wilson found that our intelligence people were following him. Their reason was that when young he was briefly a member of the communist party. A party that never ever reached significant levels in the UK.
Watching flight radar a short while ago many unidentified planes flying around there.

USA is chatting more BS re "false flag attacks"!! Getting worse now the USA accusing a "false flag attack using chemical weapons."

To the people of Ukraine, they may call themselves friends but they are not as its politics for their own gains/prestige
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To the people of Ukraine, they may call themselves friends but they are not as its politics for their own gains/prestige

Given all of the various noises about them I suspect we are not been told what the major problem with the bulk of the Ukraine is. :) We do know what the problem in the east appears to be. They don't want to be part of it. A Tory person on the box just said these people don't exist and all people in the region are Russian troops less badge. He outlined an erosion of Ukraine - slowly creeping back into Russia over the next 10 years,

Looking at the Ukraine while in the soviet block people might have expected it to perform better than it has. It might pay to bear in mind Germany spent 79b euro taking in east Germany and it still isn't fully levelled out just a lot better than it was. They had to take in state housing, jobs and pensions etc. Crime in Russia escalated and it will have done in the ex satellites as well.

Biden is still saying Russia will attack. I'd guess he will do what ever to encourage that the easiest being no diplomatic solution. False flag mentioned yet again. Seems this nursery mentioned in the news was in Donbas. There are observers there so someone does know what happened,
Given all of the various noises about them I suspect we are not been told what the major problem with the bulk of the Ukraine is. :) We do know what the problem in the east appears to be. They don't want to be part of it. A Tory person on the box just said these people don't exist and all people in the region are Russian troops less badge. He outlined an erosion of Ukraine - slowly creeping back into Russia over the next 10 years,

Looking at the Ukraine while in the soviet block people might have expected it to perform better than it has. It might pay to bear in mind Germany spent 79b euro taking in east Germany and it still isn't fully levelled out just a lot better than it was. They had to take in state housing, jobs and pensions etc. Crime in Russia escalated and it will have done in the ex satellites as well.

Biden is still saying Russia will attack. I'd guess he will do what ever to encourage that the easiest being no diplomatic solution. False flag mentioned yet again. Seems this nursery mentioned in the news was in Donbas. There are observers there so someone does know what happened,

Accurate post.

Dombas is more than 80% Russian speaking and pro-Russian, here lies the problem

Whatever happens, it's the locals that lose everything inc their lives

"diplomatic solution" is all about saving the face of the three main clowns, Pussy Putin, The Clown Boris & Is He Coming Or Going Biden.

Ukraine was easily fooled into giving up her nukes by the west. However, Ukraine knew it was in their interests to let the nukes return to Russia on three points

1 = Nukes belong to Russia
2= If Ukraine kept them they could not afford to maintain them
3 = Behind the scenes dealy warnings that Russia would come in and take them

Worryingly, the larger the NATO group grow the greater the risk of WW3 as NATO's moto, "one for all and all for one" This has indeed kept Russia at bay along with the lack of money as most of the money is misused and stolen by those that can in order by multi-million-pound boats, jets property, diamonds, gold, property, land, classic cars, investments, etc, etc.

There is a way to stop the possibly war/suffering by locals and that is to take out those at the top of the greedy food chain.

So easy for them to give them up
eventually the west will get fed up and lose

More bullshit. Wilson found that our intelligence people were following him. Their reason was that when young he was briefly a member of the communist party. A party that never ever reached significant levels in the UK.

Than of course there were members of his government who were in the pay of the Russians ;)
eventually the west will get fed up and lose

Than of course there were members of his government who were in the pay of the Russians ;)

Historians evaluate him in terms of leading the Labour Party through difficult political issues with considerable skill. Wilson's reputation was low when he left office and was still poor in 2016
:mrgreen: Doesn't matter how well they do or poorly really as all have problems in the end. He was thought over all to be one of the best we have had. Basically a lefty liberal.

This ended that style of running the place/ Few seem to realise e what it did. Probably had to happen anyway.
Historians evaluate him in terms of leading the Labour Party through difficult political issues with considerable skill. Wilson's reputation was low when he left office and was still poor in 2016

Considerable skill?, Britain was close to having a military coup.
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