Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

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If Putin invades and it goes wrong for him

Heavy casualties
Crippling sanctions

It could well be the end of Putins presidency / dictatorship

that is the risk he will have to weigh up
Kamala Harris said in a speech that Europe had enjoyed decades of peace and prosperity.
However that was because the West stayed well away from Eastern Europe.
Now that the usual suspects have decided to expand their influence into the eastern territories there is sure to be conflict.
If there is a conflict, i hope all these armchair Hitlers who want take on the Russians are first to volunteer for service on the front line.
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If there is a conflict, i hope all these armchair Hitlers who want take on the Russians are first to volunteer for service on the front line.

peace for our time! says appeaser vinty

The only country in the last few years that stood up to the Russians was Turkey in Syria

downed one of putins migs
The only country in the last few years that stood up to the Russians was Turkey in Syria

downed one of putins migs

THe reason Putin did naff all is the fact that Pussys are just that, pussys,

Looks like NATO/usa "intel re "invasion on Wednesday" is now "next week" according to the to B Johnson's impotent puppet, the L Truss.

The poor sods at Sky news fell for the total BS re "invasion Wednesday" and sent out their top reporters last week Monday and they are still there freezing their *******s off:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Pussy Putins bullying could have easily been stopped if the gutless uk/nato/usa made it clear that they were going to seize putins and cronies assets around the world if its forces/proxies invaded Ukraine. But oh no they can't do that and you all know why!!!

They are all pussys letting the people of the Ukraine suffer, and the soldiers on both sides as those that order them are often sat in bunkers.
The reason that Putin did naff all is because

Turkey are in Nato;)

plus they are a formidable military power

Putin after his initial anger

Adopted the brown nose the Turks policy
It’s started. Russian separatists have escalated fighting, putin will step in as “peace keepers”.
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