Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

Everyone needs investments and play the game but as important is having a rock-solid spine.

Bullies do not and never will appreciate spineless clowns and only show respect to those that give them a good slap,
EG the Turkeys shot down a Russian MIG a few years ago. That's right, Putin met the Turkey leader and licked
the middle of his bottom.
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I was never a fan of Donald Trump. Having seen the incompetent and impotent Binden in action or should I say inaction, I'd have Trump back anytime soon.

I bet you if DT was still president, Putin would not have dared to send his peacekeeping troops into the separatist-held areas of Ukraine.

A lot of people said DT was "racist" IMO he was no worse than most people his only problem is he was unable to hide it where the sly mange to hide their real inner feelings.
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that Putin's eyes seem to be a little bit too close together?

Putin bad, Biden good.
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Afaik when the Ukraine became independent (?)

they had the 3rd largest arsenal of

and gave em up voluntarily o_O
Afaik when the Ukraine became independent (?)

they had the 3rd largest arsenal of

and gave em up voluntarily o_O

They did as I mentioned in this thread already and i reiterate the reasons they gave them up:

1 - Nukes belonged to Russia
2- Ukraine could not realistically afford the upkeep of the nukes.
3- They feel for ATO BS/lies/etc.

Serves them right.

Never forget, Putin has invaded no one just out to help a group of Russians that sought his help
Note, no shots were fired when his peacekeeping troops moved in

As to Putin's troops taking the rest of Dumbas, he won't because his troops want to go
home and not fight fellow, ex Russians. However, it is tempting for Putin to sho his metal
as the west is too cowardly to do anything and see the sanctions as I do, lol.

Any real fighting, blame our cowards in gov and the west and the pussy in usa.
If donald was around Putin would not have dared, fact.
They did as I mentioned in this thread already and i reiterate the reasons they gave them up:

1 - Nukes belonged to Russia
2- Ukraine could not realistically afford the upkeep of the nukes.
3- They feel for ATO BS/lies/etc.

Serves them right.

Never forget, Putin has invaded no one just out to help a group of Russians that sought his help
Note, no shots were fired when his peacekeeping troops moved in

As to Putin's troops taking the rest of Dumbas, he won't because his troops want to go
home and not fight fellow, ex Russians. However, it is tempting for Putin to sho his metal
as the west is too cowardly to do anything and see the sanctions as I do, lol.

Any real fighting, blame our cowards in gov and the west and the pussy in usa.
If donald was around Putin would not have dared, fact.
Are you 5?
I doubt that sleepy Joe Biden actually knows what’s going on any way :idea:

Sorry day when nato is led by a duffer :ROFLMAO:
Maybe Russia wants to take Ukraine for better access to the Black Sea, for a future advance on the Middle East, with support from Syria.

Turkey next. Revenge for shooting down their fighter jet.
Looks like that scoundrel macron who spent 4 hours brown nosing Putin

wasted his time :ROFLMAO:
Maybe Russia wants to take Ukraine for better access to the Black Sea, for a future advance on the Middle East, with support from Syria.

Turkey next. Revenge for shooting down their fighter jet.

nothing like that it's pussy putinns ego and he is a weak leader. Like most weak leaders and we have one. In order to distract attention away from
they some even resort to wars and Putin is one and worryingly ours may be another, potentially. Look at it like this, why has Boris not put meaningful sanctions on the table and he knows putin is lol all the way to a higher Rubble. Weakness as most people know leads to bigger problems and I'm sure our gov is aware of that. Weakness encourages the bullies and putin is tempted.

Personally - I would have put sanctions on Putin and his top cronies and confiscated his assets and only return them once he rescinded on his declaration on independent of the two bits of Ukraine and Crimea. Trust me that would work as bullies are greedy people.
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