Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

Yes it's the Sun but some of it has to be true.
I knew this putin bloke was worth a billion or so but not over a hundred billion.
He must have done a lot of overtime
A lot of what is shown is Russia's. Wonder what our queens castles and the pm's 2nd abode are worth.

He's a phd so could do vidoes on covid.
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Where is gold found in Russia?
More than 66% of Russian gold production comes from just six eastern regions (Amur, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, and Sakha-Yakutia)
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Russia is believed to have the world's largest diamond resources, exceeding 3.6 billion ct. Most of its explored resources are in the P1 category* and are concentrated mainly in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Arkhangelsk Oblast, both located in the northern part of the country.

The future of the Russian diamond industry is closely tied to Alrosa, the Russian mining company that accounts for 97% of diamond mining in Russia and 24% of world production.
There is mention of the value of the ruble falling. :eek: It increased in value today. The idea seems to be that Russia will use up all of it's reserves propping it up. Pass no idea. If a country is self sufficient enough all it does is reduce the cost of their exports and Russia is a member of some trading blocks or was when I looked a while ago.

Sanctions can do things. Take Iran. The UK and USA owe them money. The USA paid it off a while ago but had to load up crates of gold bars or something or the other and fly the stuff there. No other way to pay them. ;) The UK's latest idea seems to be to send them £400m worth of medications. At one point it seems we had some come here to settle it in the courts. They were grabbed by immigration and deported as soon as they arrived.

hence why that Radcliffe woman is in detention

she is a hostage
Putin is one of the richest people in the world

his money is not in his name

held by various oligarchs

the UK government know who they are
Is The Humanitarian really Dave Rouble?

Why Putin is happy good nice man you should trust, by ordinary Twitter user @DaveRouble1905 | The Daily Mash

WARY of Putin’s motives after his latest speech? An average Twitter user who is not a Russian bot explains why the great leader is flawless:

He know his history

Not the fake history like Western capitalist running dogs learn, but real history where Ukraine was never country. Every Russian knows Ukraine is simply a word for ‘argumentative region in need of armed peacekeepers in T-72 tanks with air support’. In time you will learn Baltic states, Finland and Hungary not real countries either.

He big tough strong guy

Just look at him. Putin hit gym five time a week and bench 130kg. Does not skip leg day. But do not worry, he only tough to survive cruel Russian winter which is very cold. It is not part of cult of personality strong man image to intimidate other world leaders he would murder in fight. One blow your Boris dead.

He dress sensible look good

Nobody in smart Italian suit, tie can be bad guy. Not military uniform like North Korea Kim. Plus he have sensible haircut, not like Kim or United Kingdom’s warmonger Johnson who have scruffy appearance disrespecting dignified nations. If he shave off hair we maybe pull back 40,000 troops.

He protect independ

You like independ, right? You vote the Brexit? In glorious speech Putin protect independ Donetsk and Luhansk from cruel Ukraine which does not exist. This is actions of super nice friendly guy who does not want full scale war so relax. Stop saying it pretext for war because this make Mr Putin angry and he has temper. Shot my wife brother.

He ride bear

We know you seen picture where Putin ride bear through water shirtless. Real and not fake. Only a nice man would be this in touch with nature like your Doctor Dolittle. If Putin could talk to bear he only say kind things like ‘we will survive Western sanctions thanks to our close economic partnership with China’. This make bear happy.

He like you

Putin Western like you and me, only not so weak. He enjoy Fleabag and Wordle and the pulled sandwich of the pork. Good. Let us drink vodka and toast Imperial Russia together. You and I comrades now.
Putin is one of the richest people in the world

his money is not in his name

held by various oligarchs

the UK government know who they are

and this is why some MP's are upset on all sides because Boris as expected does what the clown does best = f everything and lie and lie and lie.

No wonder the rubble went up
Lateral considerations

I'm agnostic about some things and essentially think international politics stink all round. Info is often incomplete. Take the NATO aspects and western weapons on Russia's boarders. What weapons really - ballistic missile interception unilaterally installed despite agreements. No Cuban missile fiasco this time a missile that can be sent in either direction instead.
I'm agnostic about some things and essentially think international politics stink all round. Info is often incomplete. Take the NATO aspects and western weapons on Russia's boarders. What weapons really - ballistic missile interception unilaterally installed despite agreements. No Cuban missile fiasco this time a missile that can be sent in either direction instead.

Info "Intel" is always edited, manipulated to put the C's point accros. The so-called non-existent 'WMD's'

I would rather trust a donkey than a politician

Politicians get people killed on a massive scale.
But weren’t you the guy claiming that it wasn’t Russia who were trying to start a war?

Right, right, and you just happen to know this … how?

You just happen to keep tabs on Russian banks, the “top people” linked to Russia and who those banks are linked with?

I detect from your style of posting that English is not your first language, correct?

Where you from mate?
He’s from cloud 9
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