Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

It could be a case of economic M. A. D.
It depends on what is sanctioned or may be. ;) We can expect bread prices to increase as oil and gas already has - again recently, without sanctions.

People in the USA are already moaning about fuel prices. Biden released a couple of days usage of fuel from his strategic reserves - sort of typical political act, sounds good but doesn't really help. He then attempted to get the producers to release more. I think the USA and ?? Qatar did but the rest didn't. Qatar is an odd place. Tiny population and way more foreigners living there. Currently having a go at Airbus, maybe a USA aspect to that.

The money put into Russia is interesting. It will be expected to show a return. What happens now. Putin has said he may apply his own sanctions. We seem to have a lot of telepathic politicians around that know what he is thinking. Just like all he uses rhetoric. He sees communism as a dead end. Russia banned it's communist party. He has interfered with other parties. We have no idea at all what they were at. ;) The place has a problem, it's Russian so must be bad.

Some how I think his moves so far are essentially strategic and the NATO aspects relate to what gets stationed in Europe by the USA. It seems that he warned that moves would start up the arms race again. It seems to have done, He has his new toys and Biden has massively increased defence spending. Strategically to some extent he doesn't need to do any more than he has.
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With the greatest of respect, I feel your sources - whatever and whomever they may be - are misleading to you. For example I've seen @The Humanitarian go from saying "nothing will happen", to the latest prediction above suggesting the CIA "take out" Putin to avert WWIII. Is that the plot to a 1970s action film?

The situation in Eastern Europe is very fluid and it's impossible for anyone of us on here to know what the endgame is. The only prediction I made (on here and on the previous thread) is that any conflict would be limited to the Donbass regions, and while that still looks very possible there are signs it could be a wider conflict -- as I say, the situation is very fluid.

Well, nothing has really happened other than what I predicted all along IE the bits of Dombas controoled by Russians are still that other than they have been accepted as independnt states by Putin. As indy states, they have a right to ask for help and this is why putin has sent in a few troops. The remaninder of Dombas is pro Russian and the same is going to happen there, so nothing new
Never forget 14k people killed near the border since 2014 and almost daily fighting.

Hopefully once they have taken all of Doumbas etc this will calm down

I blame the west for pandering to Putin when he took Crimea. Putin only understands a good slap and sadly the west is not up to it just like ww2 and then you may have a bigger problem

ATM, slap down Putin and this will soon end. Putin has a point re NATO and TBH I'm not sure who to believe but one thing I'm clear about, Putin the puss, the clown Boris and the **** Biden are only interested in their own status and **** the public. If anyone can't see that then that is incredible, not referring to you.

People are fearful around Ukraine near the border both sides and soldiers and public will be killed whilst putin and co are allowed to smirk.

Putin does not want to invade but why look a gift horse in the mouth especially when putin sees cowards like our Boris and co a pushover.

TBH, the chatter re "nukes" in the press, with cowards leading on all sides and safe in their bunkers the people suffer and many are now worried and I blame the weak west/Boris and the pussy Biden. Again Putin would not have dared with DT in place.
The situation in Eastern Europe is very fluid and it's impossible for anyone of us on here to know what the endgame is. The only prediction I made (on here and on the previous thread) is that any conflict would be limited to the Donbass regions, and while that still looks very possible there are signs it could be a wider conflict -- as I say, the situation is very fluid.

A sensible post especially in respect to Ukraine. If people bother to look where fighting has occurred they might conclude that "the problem" is more widespread than Donbass.

I think there is no doubt that one of the other reasons for Ukraine building up their army in the name of defence is to also take the remaining what seems to be 1/3 of Donbass. People in the areas are concerned that civil war may break out. The place is really stirred up. I mentioned training 12 year olds near backed up by one that was interviewed. His mom and dad can shoot too. Videos of women being trained in unarmed combat. This is probably in the Minsk area. A politician last night came up with the comment if the Russians come I will take up arms. ;) That would make a change.

The end game globally, what all are saying to each other - we haven't a clue. The Crimea went quiet didn't it. ;) I wonder why. Seems Ukraine want it back. They would probably be swatted if they tried to do that. It is interesting that Russia and the West's rhetoric aren't doing Ukraine any good at all. They know that so why do some elements keep feeding it. :) Even sending invasion plans.
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An interesting article summarises the shared history of Russia and Ukraine as being 'trapped in medieval myths':

Putin Wants the Legitimacy of Ukraine and Russia's Shared Past (

So make a meal of Putin's rhetoric and take it seriously. His basic aim is probably to wreck the Ukraine's economy following it's change of direction. He's getting help from the west too. Their economy is pretty crap anyway. Corruption is known to be a problem, Boris gave them some cash to help. Putin says they place is full of black oligarchs. You might say the country is being run by the equivalent of UKIP with bells on with guns too.

Mention of the Tsars is interesting., I went on a Baltic's state tour not long ago and heard how that aspect of history is taught. Wonderful rulers who helped their people and looked after them. Stalin came in because other than some arms they needed they did not modernise the country and pverty levels were high. There is debate about starvation in Ukraine as mentioned. China had similar problems, millions died of starvation. It can happen when a country is not run correctly.

Putin can be said to have improved Russia and the people's lot who live in it. All improvements like that slacken off eventually so his popularity is bound to fall at some point. However when western reporters ask there they don't seem to be able to find many who are fed up with him. All countries have demo's that can contain 1,000's but that doesn't really reflect on the views of all.

I should have said taught in Talin by the way.
If you have nothing sensible to post, don't. Taking my comments out of context does not make you look clever.

Where is the attack that was supposed to happen a few weeks ago and last week??

You need to look at the cowards in the west that allow Putin to flex his muscle and you need people like DT to keep
the unhinged putin at bay. Having said that, re NATO, putin has a point but going about it the wrong way because
England is led by a clown, Germany does not know what to do and France is a bigger joke than Boris.
With Biden, the master puppet that control him needs a smack in the mouth to wake them all up.

Like every country, Ukraine has its fair share of good and bad but the majority that suffers like they always have and have no say in it, fact
From twitter, funny but factual
Chris Bryant
Chris Bryant

It’s a funny old world. Yesterday the Prime Minister told the Commons that Roman Abramovich was already sanctioned. He refused to correct the record when I asked. But now he is correcting the record. So the only person who can get Johnson to correct a lie is a Russian billionaire
BREAKING = From on of my sources in Donetsk

Weather warmer a lot warmer than of recent days and predicted to stay warm for next few days at least.
Therefore the danger of tanks getting stuck in mud baths.

Therefore the tanks will stay put or try to move back but are likely to get stuck.

My source close to the top of the food chain in Russia. " Not even President Putin knows what he is going to do next other than boast...."

My source in Turkey has offered to help by shooting down a few more MIGS:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Russian cultural longevity vs Ukraine's.

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 13.29.05.png
In the meantime we should leave our leaders to find a solution.

With that in mind, now would be a good time to run this -

Why have a warning? Better off not knowing until the last second. Unless you have a nuclear bunker with air filtration and 5 years supplies of food and water. But that would probably be worse than instant death.
Why have a warning? Better off not knowing until the last second. Unless you have a nuclear bunker with air filtration and 5 years supplies of food and water. But that would probably be worse than instant death.

It's a government 'public information' film, bit like "Charlie Says" - but nowhere near as good. Therefore government propaganda/bo11ox.
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