Something just happened in space..



I just went outside to lock the back gate etc as i do every night and looked up... there was an incredibly bright star... probably 10 X the brightness of the pole star... and within seconds it started to fade.... to nothing... The nearest star was probably Arcturus.....

I have seen satellites and the ISS, but this was very very weird !!!!

Anyone any (sensible) ideas?
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You're the martian, you tell us :p

Was it possibly a police helicopter? They're pretty noisy if right overhead, but if you've got a bit of cross-range they get much quieter.

Hypothetically, I suppose it could be a freak condition where you are looking straight-on to a meteor... That would appear very bright and would disappear. Other than that, I'm stumped.
what could cause such a thing.... i'd half expect a news story tomorrow am saying that the ISS had burned up in space.... what else could couse such a phenomena?
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what could cause such a thing.... i'd half expect a news story tomorrow am saying that the ISS had burned up in space.... what else could couse such a phenomena?

There was a report that the nearest 'red dwarf', or suchwith, was due to explode, within the next 500 years give or take, but would light the night sky, as bright as the sun.....but you saw a flash? Have you taken beer?
what could cause such a thing.... i'd half expect a news story tomorrow am saying that the ISS had burned up in space.... what else could couse such a phenomena?

There was a report that the nearest 'red dwarf', or suchwith, was due to explode, within the next 500 years give or take, but would light the night sky, as bright as the sun.....but you saw a flash? Have you taken beer?

p1ss off moody!
Possibly a aircraft turning off it's landing lights?

no, we are on the approach to Manchester.... so i see many aircraft.... this was the brightest thing i have ever seen in the sky apart from the Sun and Moon....and it took about 4 seconds to fade out....
It's a sign. You have to look up some ufo sites and puzzle the nature of your existence.
It does sound odd.
Cloud lightening?
Its hammering it down over here right now with plenty of flashes and bangs.
Though 4 seconds is a long time for lightening.
What somebody said previously, it was probably a meteor heading straight for you, but then thought OMG its 'im.

What we would have seen was the voluntary de-solution of an intergalactic missile by the presence of an unsuspecting extraterrestrial alien.

Warning....You should be careful when you walk around at night in future, Im.
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