Sorry but I think this is getting beyond the point.

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I think i read somewhere that black vans are much more likely to be involved in traffic incidents than white vans. :whistle:
You are correct to a certain point...

But the colour of a van is a far less risk of being involved in an accident than speeding or drink driving...

And 'white van man' tops that list by a long way!
You are correct to a certain point...

But the colour of a van is a far less risk of being involved in an accident than speeding or drink driving...

And 'white van man' tops that list by a long way!

I knew it was factual but was meant as a relevant joke. Maybe it can be considered racist, maybe not, I honestly don't really care.
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See a video of a Scottish Asian guy in parliament complaining there wasn't sufficient diversity in the Scottish politics and rattles off a list of job titles and making a point of those positions being held by whites and was saying the word white with a hint of venom behind it, however he completely glossed over the fact that Scotland is 97% white.

Sometimes the common sense goes right out the window.

I'm all for ending racism but let's keep common sense.
You mean you want to end racism but at the speed conceived of by Ian D Smith?
You mean you want to end racism but at the speed conceived of by Ian D Smith?

i think you missed the point of the post by some margin.

if only 3% of the population is BAME then it is only natural for the majority of jobs be filled by non BAME members,
if only 3% of the population is BAME then it is only natural for the majority of jobs be filled by non BAME members,
That is how this sort of thing is viewed. Proportions should loosely relate to % of populations. Fast tracking has been mentioned in the past to try and fix this sort of thing but it doesn't really do anything about finding why things are as they are and fixing the reasons. It is a nice and easy thing to implement though as it just passes "the problem" on.
That is how this sort of thing is viewed. Proportions should loosely relate to % of populations. Fast tracking has been mentioned in the past to try and fix this sort of thing but it doesn't really do anything about finding why things are as they are and fixing the reasons. It is a nice and easy thing to implement though as it just passes "the problem" on.

Yes quite.

The police is another example, they have tried, really tried to recruit officers of the BAME community, for a number of years they have been trying this, to "fix" the complaint that there appears to be a lack of diversity in the force. However BAME people aren't going for the jobs, it's not the police fault that this is the case.

It's the media and the way they are perceived by the BAME community.

The BAME community can't just sit back and complain about the lack of diversity and not make an effort themselves, unfortunately this is what is happening.
You really are a cretin. Or a troll. Most like both though.
ha ha ha

I'm just highlighting people like Festive who claim some on here are blinkered....then he goes on to rant about 'loony left'

some people just cant see they are contradicting themselves.
The police is another example, they have tried, really tried to recruit officers of the BAME community, for a number of years they have been trying this, to "fix" the complaint that there appears to be a lack of diversity in the force. However BAME people aren't going for the jobs, it's not the police fault that this is the case.

Precisely JohnD.
There are many reports of incidences of BAME officers being driven out of the police by racism directed at them.
It doesn't need to be overt racism, structural racism rarely is overt racism.

Let's just take one example of structural racism within society.
Black kids are more likely to be stopped - indisputable fact. There are reports of perfectly innocent respectable black kids being stopped multiple times for no reason. Therefore a degree of antagonism and distrust is developed by black kids towards the police.
Indeed, there was a report just yesterday of two black males being stopped, threatened with tasers and handcuffed, for riding their bikes on a sponsored bike ride! Father and son riding their bikes!
How can the police honestly expect to recruit black officers when this kind of relationship has developed?

There are several factor and a need to consider all - this section for instance

"The community didn't feel it was appropriate for me to be walking the streets of London, so my parents were trying to get me married off. It took me two years, but I finally managed to bat off all the potential suitors I was introduced to," she says.

Then her first three applications to join the police were rejected. They told her she was too skinny, too young and lacked relevant "life experience". It took six years, but she was finally successful in 1989.

The 2nd isn't that unusual who ever applies.

Then it's not uncommon for ethnic police to be called traitors and etc from their own races and even from some white people due to doing their job in booth cases or just off the cuff.

Then comes the institutionalised racism - what form and from who.

Then the establishment and crime - statistics are needed to form any opinion at all.

But by all means carry on simplifying the problem and take no notice what so ever of the root causes. eg One of the factors about joining the police

Most forces look for a minimum of a level 3 qualification (e.g. A level, National Diploma or National Certificate, Level 3 NVQ, City & Guilds, etc.) but the specific requirement may differ by force so please check with the police force you’re interested in applying to.

;) I answered no to that question to see what happened. Pity politicians don't have to go through a similar procedure before becoming one.
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