Sorry, Politics

What a stupid thing to say
So all these people who were killed by the IRA, weren't killed by paramilitary terrorists, they were killed by politicians according to you.
It used to be a paramilitary group.

the evidence now shows it only uses political means
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AFAIK bumping people off isn't considered acceptable political activity
thats correct.

“The Provisional IRA is committed to following a political path and is no longer engaged in terrorism, PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton has said”

hey Vinty, it’s interesting how you think it’s only “the other side” that was engaged in paramilitary killings

There have been 158 "security-related" deaths in Northern Ireland since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, according to independent research.
The majority of the deaths were murders carried out by republican and loyalist paramilitaries, who mostly targeted victims within their own communities

up until April of this year, republican paramilitaries were responsible for 74 deaths while loyalist paramilitaries were responsible for 71

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"97% Protestant and 100% unionist
Stop spreading lies Notch.
You don't know what you are talking about.
The RUC had about 10% Catholics in the early 70s, however this 10 % was disproportionately represented in the higher ranks of the RUC, in fact the Chief Constable was Roman Catholic.
The reason for the imbalance in Roman Catholics was due to a combination of intimidation of Catholics who wanted to join the police by the IRA and the attitude of the Catholic church which in some cases refused to give murdered Catholic police officers a Catholic burial.
You should also note that the RUC put large numbers of loyalist paramilitaries behind bars.
Thanks to the RUC 1000's of Catholics and Protestants are alive today because of the actions of the RUC.
You should remember they also disrupted IRA plans to carry out bomb attacks on the British mainland.
This is why the RUC was awarded the George Cross by the Queen.
thats correct.

“The Provisional IRA is committed to following a political path and is no longer engaged in terrorism, PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton has said”

hey Vinty, it’s interesting how you think it’s only “the other side” that was engaged in paramilitary killings

There have been 158 "security-related" deaths in Northern Ireland since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, according to independent research.
The majority of the deaths were murders carried out by republican and loyalist paramilitaries, who mostly targeted victims within their own communities

up until April of this year, republican paramilitaries were responsible for 74 deaths while loyalist paramilitaries were responsible for 71

As i have pointed out previously, comparisons between these two groups are not analogous.
The Loyalist paramilitaries are not the military wing of a political party which is in power in N.I.
Stop spreading lies Notch.
You don't know what you are talking about.
The RUC had about 10% Catholics in the early 70s, however this 10 % was disproportionately represented in the higher ranks of the RUC, in fact the Chief Constable was Roman Catholic.
The reason for the imbalance in Roman Catholics was due to a combination of intimidation of Catholics who wanted to join the police by the IRA and the attitude of the Catholic church which in some cases refused to give murdered Catholic police officers a Catholic burial.
You should also note that the RUC put large numbers of loyalist paramilitaries behind bars.
Thanks to the RUC 1000's of Catholics and Protestants are alive today because of the actions of the RUC.
You should remember they also disrupted IRA plans to carry out bomb attacks on the British mainland.
This is why the RUC was awarded the George Cross by the Queen.

Perhaps you are right, this article says the PSNI believes IRA no longer engaged in terror:

Provisional IRA no longer engaged in terror, says PSNI chief​

No information to show McGuigan murder sanctioned at senior republican level - Hamilton​

Clearly it’s not the PSNI suffering bias, it is you
As i have pointed out previously, comparisons between these two groups are not analogous.
The Loyalist paramilitaries are not the military wing of a political party which is in power in N.I.

Your political or sectarian allegiance is preventing you from seeing the facts.

The DUP has been accused of legitimising “malignant forces” after the party’s leadership met with an organisation representing loyalist paramilitary groups to discuss opposition to the Northern Irelandprotocol.

Arlene Foster, deputy leader Lord Dodds and East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson held talks with the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC), a group that represents the UVF, UDA and Red Hand Commandos, all of whom the UK Home Office has linked to terrorism

To turn the tide, the DUP aims to make Northern Ireland ungovernable – until the May elections or beyond. Loyalist paramilitaries have played a crucial role in developing this strategy. However, while public attention is focused on so-called dissident republicans who remain committed to the armed struggle, loyalist paramilitaries draw much less media attention. This is odd considering that loyalist paramilitaries have an estimated 12,500 members, while militant republicans have several hundred members by contrast

The DUP leadership has held talks with the organisation which represents loyalist paramilitary groups, including the UDA and UVF.
The party said the meeting in Belfast with the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC) discussed opposition to the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Party leader Arlene Foster attended, along with her deputy Nigel Dodds and East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson
The DUP won't accept a sea-border and the Fenians won't accept a land border.
The EU will not accept no border at all.
The UK must pick one of those options.

or redraft legislation to enable them to legally break international law and allow them to call it a not-border; wait for the furore to die down, then carry on as though nothing happened, blaming the dastardly EU for the trade war that follows and, eventually, convincing people they're to blame for the cost-of-living crisis.
Yep, sounds about right.
more racist propaganda

That sounds very similar to the Critical Race Theory garbage - i first heard of it 20 years ago and it still sounds as mad today.
The majority of muslims wish to be left in peace to pray as they please without bothering anyone.
The DUP has been accused of legitimising “malignant forces” after the party’s leadership met with an organisation representing loyalist paramilitary groups to discuss opposition to the Northern Irelandprotocol
That is nonsense, the British government has met these type of people to discuss issues affecting their community.
All these groups have a common and legitimate interest in opposing the N.I.Protocol.
The relationship between the DUP and other groups is not the same as the relationship between the IRA and Sinn Fein.
It is ok to advocate peace and reconciliation but unfortunately in the case of SF/IRA there can be no forgiveness without repentance, after all Sinn Fein will never repudiate or condemn the IRA, that is because the IRA cessation of violence was purely tactical.
And the Protocol is not a threat to peace

Conservatives’ big lie is that the NI protocol is a threat to peace​

British government is giving succour to those who want to destroy the Belfast Agreement​

The Belfast agreement is based on mutual consent from both communities.
The N. Ireland assembly is based on mutual consent.
The N.I.Protocol drives a coach and horses through that principle.
The erection of artificial barriers to restrict east to west trade between N. I. and GB in order to divert trade north to south is political and not economic.
The above is in violation of the Belfast agreement and governing principles of the N.I. assembly, without consent both are dead.
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