Sorry, Politics

The question now is, how do we resolve this dilemma.?
boris and the brexers caused the problem. lying johnson pretended it did not exist. do you think he is capable of getting out of the hole he dug?

the NI border problem has always been insoluble as long as the brexers insist that there must be a border between EU and UK, but not between EU and UK, and not between UK and UK. This is impossible. Brexer demands will have to change. Perhaps brexers will try to dump NI out of UK.
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The situation in NI

Be resolved with the application of
Good old common sense

From all
Parties involved in the caper , UK and the EU

Agreed common sense and the EU don’t necessarily go hand in hand

But hey ho there is always hope ??
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is johnson any more sensible now, than when he agreed his "oven ready deal" to "get brexit done" which he now says was not a good idea?


Let’s hope both he and the EU are more sensible

As for common sense well hmmm
The EU need to find some

Although this entire caper is to an extent being fuelled by Western Europe’s arch trouble makers

Namely the French scoundrels
will acquiesce in their new status as 2nd class citizens in their own country

since Brexit everybody is a 2nd class citizen in the UK.

oh apart from those in NI who still have frictionless access to a market of $16 trillio… wonder NI recovered to pre pandemic economy way faster than the rest of the UK

Let’s hope both he and the EU are more sensible

As for common sense well hmmm
The EU need to find some
the eu is standing by what it agreed

the brexers are complaining that's not fair

johnson says he wants to break his agreement.
the eu is standing by what it agreed

the brexers are complaining that's not fair

johnson says he wants to break his agreement.

Well agreements and treaty’s can be amended and altered / tweaked

Tis the way this caper works
the eu is standing by what it agreed

the brexers are complaining that's not fair

johnson says he wants to break his agreement.

Sometimes life isn't fair John, it's something you just have to suck up.

You lost the referendum, we won, we left the EU, it's not fair, get over it.

Boris has survived 'partygate', he'll survive the Sue Gray report, he won't be hung drawn and quartered or shot at dawn, it's not fair, get over it.

Kier Starmer did the same as Boris, he'll get a fixed penalty notice. You no doubt think that's not fair, get over it.

The NI protocol will either be re-written or ditched because of the spiteful implementation by the EU. There may be a trade war, there may not be, probably not. Either way, UK will win and the EU will come second. It's not fair, get over it.

John. Life often isn't fair, when you continually back the losing side, life must appear even more unfair, but that's where we are, get over it.
but Johnson says he will break the agreement

which he himself made

Says and does are 2 different things

No agreement has been broken

And just because some one threatens to break an agreement does not mean they will
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