Sort out the hypocrites!

16 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
With the announcement that India is building several state of the art medical centres to cope with the influx of foreign patients looking for fast and cheap surgery, I was wondering if our Asian-loving(NOT) posters on here would take up the offer of life saving surgery over there or would be prepared to die for their beliefs? :)
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I was surprised to note in the Middle Eastern Times, no mention whatever of Christians or Christianity ... Plenty talk of 'Jews' and 'Crusaders'.

Mind you, it has to be said, twas a lovely pint in 'The Saracen's Head' Aqua sulis.
kendor said:
With the announcement that India is building several state of the art medical centres to cope with the influx of foreign patients looking for fast and cheap surgery, I was wondering if our Asian-loving(NOT) posters on here would take up the offer of life saving surgery over there or would be prepared to die for their beliefs? :)

The main religion in India is Hinduism .

I have no objections to travel to this great country which DOES NOT
preach and terrorise in the name of Islam.

I have just heard a spokesman for a radical group of moslims in U.K.
on Sky television state that Islam is the Only religion
and that all others are infidel. You will never get an Indian Hindu
stating such remarks.

As to the reason why I may have to go overseas for treatment I
draw your attention to the outspoken evil muslim clerik Omar Bakri Mohammed

The Government was under intense pressure last night to carry out Tony Blair's threats to expel extremist Muslim cleric after news that one of them was expected to return for a heart operation on the health service.

Link :

No, there's no Hindu extremists... unless you are thinking about the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. OK, there's no suicide bombings or anything. Generally a peace-loving people but there are Hindu extremists.

Anyway, as far as I know there are no countries who kill in the name of Islam. With the possible exception of Iran (but then Dubbya seems to believe he is killing in the name of God, doesn't he?)

Are you all just afraid that they'll circumcise you whilst you are under anaesthetic? :LOL:

If you have had surgery in the UK, there is a sizable chance it was performed by a muslim anyway... Plenty of muslim doctors in the UK, both British muslims and immigrants.
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AdamW said:
No, there's no Hindu extremists... unless you are thinking about the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. OK, there's no suicide bombings or anything.

Anyway, as far as I know there are no countries who kill in the name of Islam. With the possible exception of Iran (but then Dubbya seems to believe he is killing in the name of God, doesn't he?)


I have an Indian friend who was born in Scotland (UK).
He for the first time recently visited relatives in India.
He returned showing many photographs of himself in a Scottish Kilt outfit.
We were joking about this and he told me that he was entitled to wear the outfit just as much as myself. His relatives were very proud of him.
He is a research scientist , proud of his country and also of his Indian
By the way he has been known by the name, 'Willie' for the past 20 years.
[I have removed the couple of abusive posts and all relating to them (as they are no longer relevant). As I have said this is not the place for someone to base their campaign of hatred, and it will not be tolerated]
DIYnot said:
[I have removed the couple of abusive posts and all relating to them (as they are no longer relevant). As I have said this is not the place for someone to base their campaign of hatred, and it will not be tolerated]

Well Done
DIYnot said:
[I have removed the couple of abusive posts and all relating to them (as they are no longer relevant). As I have said this is not the place for someone to base their campaign of hatred, and it will not be tolerated]
Excellent news.

Mind you - you've got a lot of cleaning up to do, from what I can see...
DIYnot said:
[I have removed the couple of abusive posts and all relating to them (as they are no longer relevant). As I have said this is not the place for someone to base their campaign of hatred, and it will not be tolerated]

Well you seem to have removed mine which in no way could it ever be described as racist in any shape or form---if describing that India is mainly made up of Hindus and Sikhs and that is what this thread is about and that appears as racist to some ones head then i suggest they lay off the drink
Seems fair enough if balanced removal as it seems to have been.
that's the first post of mine that's been removed, would be nice to have an area where you could see what overstepped the mark so we can be more careful in the future :)
kendor said:
Seems fair enough if balanced removal as it seems to have been.
that's the first post of mine that's been removed, would be nice to have an area where you could see what overstepped the mark so we can be more careful in the future :)

I totally agree Kendor but my post which was also the first wasnt offensive or broke any rules
Hi Freddie, if your post was in this thread it was removed because it was after all the abuse and it was cut at that point. If it was in another thread, if it was in removed because the whole thread descended into abuse. Some posts have been removed because they are in response to abuse and with the abuse removed become irrelevant.

I have been a visitor of the NHS over the last 40 yrs an since trusts ,


I would gladly go to To India for an Operation ,
even ANYwhere in Europe ,Spain an France (Main Cities )are very very clean an nursing staff THEY ARE ANGELS ,not like the cash cows we have in the Uk ,

who refuse to care/ feed/lift/help/NURSE ....a patient ,

as they are only cared about gossiping

about ,soaps/
where they go drinking that night/
their boyfriends /
where they are going on holiday next /
last holiday /
which wards -nurses are good shifts/
what meals they had breakfast-dinner-dinner/
which bank nurses are rubbish goodbad/
which foreign nurses are a push over to BE TOLD TO DO sh*t jobs ,literally !/
AL THIS LOUD As YOU LIKE at the nurse station ,
as patients ring buzzes endless on commodes
an now they need 3 nurses to wipe a sick patients back side ,

an an woe forbid you IF a relative brings anything up,

like the old blood smears on walls ,sides of the bed , bedside table /cleanliness (sp) ..
old needle wraps on floors an swaps

(I was told the Polish cleaners come do that tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I would love my dad to go into an India Hospital next time ,

After the grovelling letter I recieved from MY Fathers Consultant ,
he went in collalapsed with a throat infection , they told me for 2months it was cancer an brace myself for it ...
but I hoped the tests would just symtoms of the throat infection ...
as he was in there he got more an more confused .....

They allowed a confused man to wander off an """""OBservation"""""Ward

banks nurses rang me at 3in the morning
asking if my father had walked home!!!!!!

an what does he look like?? as they were bank nurses an didnt know who was in the ward ,

the security men found him sat on toilet across the hospital /crying an confused (he went in for a throat infection an got worse in hospital ,)

after this no nurse was ever civil /pleasant as I was angry that night but next day , thought I cant be angry as they/the scum nurses would be rough/ignore my dad , I was smiling an polite but was met with ...
indifferences an Too busy to talk attitude ....


they did he wasnt bathed an his bedding not changed ..

an the jun doc on the ward was Pathetic in the end
an they hadnt helped him eat ,
he wasnt eating as he looked at it but needed help they just took it away in front of him ...

til a patient told me I was there 9 hours feeding /washing an rallying round the rest of the bay of 8
in the end I ran them lazy SLUTS raggard ... which they are paid for not not standing at a bar/nurse station gossiping ignore alarmsas , "Oh he always rings it !"


he was in bits/very humble,

an fuming an redfaced about my fathers Grottesgue (SP as he put it !)treatment ,

I Left him screaming an threatening to have all the nurses on the ward sacked !!
he wrote my father a full apology an it was hand delieverd by NHS post
next day

I knew there was no point in a trust complaint ,
but I KNOW Consultants are Gods an NEVER LIKE HORRENDOUS PATIENT COMPLAINTS ON THEIR WARDS ,especially by the lazy fat arsed nurses now ...
DIYnot said:
Hi Freddie, if your post was in this thread it was removed because it was after all the abuse and it was cut at that point. If it was in another thread, if it was in removed because the whole thread descended into abuse. Some posts have been removed because they are in response to abuse and with the abuse removed become irrelevant.

Thanks for clearing that up Admin, i must admit i didnt see any abuse it must have came after i went back to work---i wish i worked in an office and could spend all day on the internet like some
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