Sort out the hypocrites!

Moz - sorry to hear of your Dads (and yours) terrible experience in hospital.
It was a disgrace! :cry:

If I would have seen this kind of behaviour I would have sorted those bl**dy nurses out! - behaviour like this needs to be challenged and disciplinary/appropriate action taken!!

But please don't tar all nurses with the same brush - there are lots of nurses I know who are truly dedicated, kind and compassionate human beings and I would trust them without question.
During my time I have known some awful nurses :oops: - but I have also had the priviledge of working with more who have provided an excellent service to the patients they cared for! :)

I have known many of my nursing (and medical) colleagues being verbally and physically abused by patients when they are trying to help them - a friend of mine had a shotgun put to her head by some particularly nasty relatives of a drug dealing patient whilst he was in casualty........this kind of behaviour is happening more and more frequently.........which is also a disgrace!!

My personal philosophy is to aim to provide a service to patients that I would like to receive :)
Any nurses who can't treat patients with dignity and respect should get out of the profession - as they are not wanted!
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JulieL or burchill

Thankyou for your kind words to reassure me .......;)

I spent the whole of the 80s in Heamatology(sp) wards an A/Es admitting /nursing a herroming (sp)/bleeding Beuatiful /Goddess to the love of ward 3.

as you said before I saw "CAREER NURSES THEN "but everyone else were 150% towards CARING ....thats whats GONE CARING ..

lil jan
when she wasnt fighting since 16 .....she was GORGEOUS

holidays all over the world ,an up town , fore runner to the binge drinker leightweights of today dont even come close ...but on clear drug treatment /needles she was a quite simmering /crying angel

(The pain she went through in her wonderful life , is as much as I expext for being the family loser but best in health an even my A/A guy thought I wasnt a LOSER DRUNK HE HAD SEEN , but then my BUD next to me said he/the leader said the same thing to him a jar later )

she wasnt tarty one like today .....

she loved a laugh but when she got told
she finished with her boyfriend
as she thought he didnt deserve to "STICK" with her

I saw Paul later an he was ok with it .. he is young ...he moved on ..
all the treatments at Christes was NO Good.....
Then Dr Flanagan the top cancer Consultant
took jan on at 16 at 28 she died

he was due too retire four years before jans death but he wanted to stay , his wards an heamatlogly(sp) alive

at the time the trusts were coming an doctors an consultants were saying the level of 1to 1 CARE WILL DIE

He came to the funeral an spoke a poem for her as if his daughter ,he has a place in Cyprus an I wish him all the best ..
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I know a few nurses, and all of their mums were nurses. And whilst I have never had the misfortune to encounter them in a professional context, I can see why they are nurses... level-headed yet caring, every single one of them. There is a definite "nurse-type" person. Thinking about it, they all have very similar personalities to the teachers I know.

However I do have one complaint... my mate is going out with a nurse, but she says she doesn't have the uniform... it's hardly fair for him. :rolleyes: (please don't hit my face, Julie :LOL: )
:eek: :eek: :mad:

Well, she didn't smack you in the kisser did she?

Adam bends over, wheezing....
I have had my share of stays in hospital beds and I can only remember one occassion when I thought a nurse had been unprofessional.

Apart from that they have always been good or very good.

It's not a job I would like to do for one day.
DIYnot said:
Hi Freddie, if your post was in this thread it was removed because it was after all the abuse and it was cut at that point. If it was in another thread, if it was in removed because the whole thread descended into abuse. Some posts have been removed because they are in response to abuse and with the abuse removed become irrelevant.
Aha! so maybe my posts didn't overstep the mark after all but became irrelevant after the offending posts had been removed?
JulieL said:
But please don't tar all nurses with the same brush - there are lots of nurses I know who are truly dedicated, kind and compassionate human beings and I would trust them without question.
During my time I have known some awful nurses :oops: - but I have also had the priviledge of working with more who have provided an excellent service to the patients they cared for! :)

Agreed, isn't this true of all walks of life? and applies to people in general.
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