Space Saver Wheel Use

On two occasions I have used slime in a motorcycle tyre which got them halfway to and all the way back to the UK from the South of France. One was repaired, the other was junked as it literally had the canvas showing by the time it got home. Don’t know about others, but 'Slime' is water based so can easily be washed out with plain cold water to carry out a proper repair.
I'm a big fan of Slime in motorcyle tyres and a fair few of our cutomers have it added with new tyres as a preventative measure.

We had an old wheel on a stand years ago and customers used to use a bradawl to purposefully puncture it. Must have had 30+ punctures in by the end and still inflated!.
What does a FWD car drive like with a proper tyre on one front wheel and a space saver on the other? I'd imagine it would be wierd.
I don’t know but someone down my street has had one on the front of their Focus for over a month now. They are skinnier but are made of softer rubber for better grip so they do wear out quicker. Theirs is nearly bald now!
I once stopped in the early hours to help some stuck women who had a puncture. They only had that sealant crap. They only needed to go a few miles. The instructions were so tedious, I told them that they would be better off if I gave them a lift home and sort it out the next morning. More hassle than it's worth.
What does a FWD car drive like with a proper tyre on one front wheel and a space saver on the other? I'd imagine it would be wierd.

Well, I found out today as I got my second unrepairable puncture on my Evoque. Just clipped a brick going silly, off road....... on the track over my allotment! Bloody hole right in the sidewall. Fitted the space saver on the front and it drives no different. That’s the second unrepairable puncture I’ve on that car but at least this time I’d covered 25,000+ miles on them as opposed to just 300 the first time. Both fronts only had around 4mm left and were due to be changed soon so not too terrible. Again, had I had just the goo, it wouldn’t have worked so two unrepairable punctures and a spare wheel got me out of trouble twice. I've just ordered a pair of 245 45 20 Scorpion Verde's from Blackcircles. £305 delivered and I’ll fit and balance them myself.
Can someone tell me what the law is on tyres in the UK now ? Here in France ( and I recently learned, in Germany also ) you have to have identical tyres ( brand and model ) on the same axle and it's a € 80 fine if the cops catch you, as well as a fail at the Controle Technique ( MOT ).
It wouldn't pass an MOT with a space saver tyre over here as to pass the MOT both tyres on the same axle must be of the same size and aspect ratio, must be fitted in accordance with the instructions on the sidewall (direction/asymmetrical) and capable of 70mph. They can be different makes though. With regards to a different wheel and/or tyre being used, it must be marked 'Temporary use only' and have a sign saying 'Maximum speed 50mpg/80kph'.

Worth noting that if you carried a 'directional' tyre as a spare, you only have a 50/50 chance of fitting it on the correct side of the vehicle which could leave you open to prosecution although I've never heard of it happening.
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Thanks. My question had nothing to do with space-savers, just ordinary retail tyres. Like you, I would also be astonished if a cop ever examined the tyres for asymmetry.

Since we are talking about tyre matters, would you pass a car with (say ) 215/55/16 on the front and 185/65/15 on the rear ( numbers out of my head so they may not be accurate ) ? These are my summer/winter-tyres for a 1.8 Vectra .
Yes. They only have to be the same on each axle. Could be 275/40/22 on the rear and 155/55/13 on the front or even the other way round!