Special Character Buttons

Is it too much hassle to open character map? The entire greek alphabet is in there!!! As well as keyboard shortcuts for all characters. for example ² is Alt 0178 and ¿ is alt 0191 ;)

Yes it is too much hassle, and I'm on a laptop, so can't use keyboard shortcuts.
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AFAIK, its used in Spanish to enclose a question. For example:

¿When is your birthday?
Is it too much hassle to open character map? The entire greek alphabet is in there!!! As well as keyboard shortcuts for all characters. for example ² is Alt 0178 and ¿ is alt 0191 ;)
  1. Open character map
  2. Find character you want
  3. Select it
  4. Copy it
  5. Paste it into post
  1. Click button in reply window
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We use a drop down list:

Yes, I have looked into it and it should be included on the next site update which will be soon.

Is there a name for that symbol.
Where would it be used normally.

It is used in Spanish. if [question] is the question sentence they use ¿[question]?


Actually I quite like the idea becuase some sentences are part question part statement, and it is difficult to indicate that conversational quality in writing. E.g.

Although you can't go with them, would you like to go with us?

would become

Although you can't go with them, ¿would you like to go with us?
I cannot begin to imagine what kind of unacceptable post this topic could possibly have generated - did anybody see it?
It wasn't me.

I asked the above because I got an email notification of a reply but the link here brought up the "topic post does not exist" window....
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