Speed awareness course?

So you don't think some plick doing 100 miles an hour through a city centre is a crime, providing no ones steps in his way. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
So you don't think some plick doing 100 miles an hour through a city centre is a crime, providing no ones steps in his way. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

No! (although i reserve the right to withdraw this statement should need to ;) )
in fact, thinking about this (but not much), in most crimes, you have a complainant.... i.e. someone who's been wronged... e.g. a rape victim, or someone who'e car's been nicked, or rock star whose song's been downloaded and has lost revenue etc etc

but if someone drives through your town at 100 mph, and nobody notices.... then what sort of crime is that?!!!

It just isn't !!

There is a huge argument for revenue collection tactics !!! IMO !!
but if someone drives through your town at 100 mph, and nobody notices.... then what sort of crime is that?!!!

Do you really need an answer to that?
If you do you're even more stupid than I thought.
Speeding can be ok, you suggested 100, i do 34 in a thirty, then it's not to bad.so yes, speeding could be ok.
Driving through a town at 100 MPH is at the least stupidity, it shows total disregard for the law, law's are made to protect people.

tell me why in more than 10 words why driving through a town centre late at night at 100 mph is criminal

I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this but......town centres have people in them, if it's 3 or 4 o clock in the morning they still have people in them. Usually a bit drunk looking for a cab. So driving through one at 100 mph is totally reckless, dangerous driving, because apart from the chance of losing control or another car coming out, there is always a strong chance of a pedestrian stepping out, and no chance of stopping at that speed. It sounds to me like you'd better do the speed awareness course YOU NEED IT.