Speed awareness course?

tell me why in more than 10 words why driving through a town centre late at night at 100 mph is criminal

I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this but......town centres have people in them, if it's 3 or 4 o clock in the morning they still have people in them. Usually a bit drunk looking for a cab. So driving through one at 100 mph is totally reckless, dangerous driving, because apart from the chance of losing control or another car coming out, there is always a strong chance of a pedestrian stepping out, and no chance of stopping at that speed. It sounds to me like you'd better do the speed awareness course YOU NEED IT.

And i believe pros ? like the police still knock people down.
And i believe pros ? like the police still knock people down.

Yes they do sometimes. Because driving through built up areas at speed ISN'T SAFE!! imamrtian doesn't seem to realise that. :rolleyes:
but if someone drives through your town at 100 mph, and nobody notices.... then what sort of crime is that?!!!

Did I just read that right?

It is a crime because a law is/has been broken.

If I was to go out tomorrow and murder someone, unless I am caught...what you are saying is I have not committed a crime?
He made a stupid statement and rather than retract it when it was pointed out, he tried to defend it and ended up looking even more stupid.
That's imamartian for you. :rolleyes: :LOL:
Will my insurance change much with 3 points? (i have none at present !!)
Not normally depending how many points and type of points which is coded already on the licence and how long ago etc but you must tell your insurance company, I know many don't, believe me as I have seen it when they are claiming or whatever which can create problems
I have never informed my insurance,on the rare occasions I have been caught speeding, the fine is punishment enough, why pay twice for the same offence.

I have never informed my insurance,on the rare occasions I have been caught speeding, the fine is punishment enough, why pay twice for the same offence.


The problem with that is they won't pay out if your car is stolen or smashed up.
I have never informed my insurance,on the rare occasions I have been caught speeding, the fine is punishment enough, why pay twice for the same offence.


The problem with that is they won't pay out if your car is stolen or smashed up.
You used to be allowed three penalty points without having to declare, I am not aware that that has changed.
Sorry, I didn't know that. I was going by an experience I had when the insurance didn't pay out because of an undeclared endorsement. But that was over 20 years ago now.
i know a few people who have had to do the awareness course, over by 5mph or something they said it was interesting although they dont see how it would prevent anyone speeding again.....
Under the Road Traffic Act 1998 it is an offence for you to withhold any information that might be considered relevant, or to make false statements in an attempt to gain a Motor Insurance Certificate.
If you receive a Motoring Conviction, no matter what offence it is for, you must inform your car insurance company.
Sorry Wotan, from the RTA.
I also was under the impression 3 was ok not to disclose but a golfing buddy found out otherwise just before Christmas.
I have never informed my insurance,on the rare occasions I have been caught speeding, the fine is punishment enough, why pay twice for the same offence.


The problem with that is they won't pay out if your car is stolen or smashed up.
You used to be allowed three penalty points without having to declare, I am not aware that that has changed.
Not heard of this unless some insurance policies varies but you have to tell them when renewing your policy because you have to report any changes to your licence since applying for the insurance, you have to tell them sooner or later even it's just for the first 3pts.

To cut a long story short, a company drivers rammed into the back of my car, my legal insurance claimed against the driver because the driver and the company withheld the points information on his licence on their insurance policy, I've won all damaged and legal fees, once known the details will be on all the insurance database and none of them will take on anyone who is untrustworthy and this is why when they ask you have ever been refused insurance, guess what, they know if you're lying!

Is it worth it even for a small fee added? Most of them allows a couple of speeding points anyway, from what I've heard the driver lost his job and cost him a fortune, would've been cheaper to pay extra!

It's no good saying the insurance companies should know about it, they couldn't careless because it's their get out card, they will keep collecting your payments but knowing they won't have to pay out so tell them and make sure they have amend the details

What if, you've killed someone even though it's not your fault?
It's no good saying the insurance companies should know about it, they couldn't careless because it's their get out card, they will keep collecting your payments but knowing they won't have to pay out so tell them and make sure they have amend the details

So would you tell them as soon as you get the points? or would you wait until your renew?

Wouldn't it just be easier if there was a central database, and the insurance company could just look on there to see what convictions you had before offering you a quote?
So would you tell them as soon as you get the points? or would you wait until your renew?
I always tell them for a piece of mind, you may forget when renewing
Wouldn't it just be easier if there was a central database, and the insurance company could just look on there to see what convictions you had before offering you a quote?
What if the database is wrong? The best proof is on your updated policy documents
What if the database is wrong? The best proof is on your updated policy documents

i meant restricted access to the database administered by the police that holds details of relevant convictions....?