Sport Relief

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The problem is the Catholic church.

You may be right in that the Catholic Church's view of contraception does not take into consideration uncontrolled animal urges, but really the problem is ignorance and the solution is access to a permanent birth control solution i.e. sterilisation. Sport Aid, and the like, could provide this as a far more efficient long term solution.
Address the Cause as a priority and treat the immediate effect with the reward for treatment of sterilisation for both men and women. The more sterilisations per treatment the better.

Ignorance, sterilisation? You do realise that the problems come around in drought and war etc? Very unstable places to live and when the going gets tough you call people ignorant, most will probably never even seen a jonny let alone know what it is!

You are a sick puppy.

When I refer to the people being ignorant, I refer to them being uneducated, and you agree with this view by suggesting they do not know what a 'jonny' is let alone know how to us one. This is ignorance/uneducated. They need education at the basic level and I think maybe some of the money goes to education. In the heat of passion, I doubt most of these people will even think of searching through the bushes for a jonny before the passion subsides.
Far from being "A sick Puppy', I clearly deeply care for the plight of these desperate people and a solution to minimising that suffering must be found as opposed to a solution which makes the suffering worse.
A reference has been made that sterilisation is too drastic a step. Well this crisis is a very drastic one that needs drastic measures to address it.
Also some one referred to sterilisation being associated with 'Naziism'. I think the two situations are totally different. The mass sterilisation in Africa is suggested as a solution to minimise suffering of these desperate little children, the Nazi program had a very different agenda.
I am not clever enough or sufficiently educated in the African problem to be able to design a program to solve the problem, but the present one employed clearly does not work as the problem gets bigger and bigger year after year, so surely some new strategic thinking needs to be applied and my suggestions are open for discussion, but something different needs to be employed to eradicate this totally unacceptable suffering of these children.
When a solution makes the problem worse them the solution is clearly wrong.
Let's all be constructive and work to a solution which achieves the objectives.
Its easy to say, try and address the cause, but there are still children dying daily and they need help.

Its sad that when our children are ill, we go to the doctors or a walk in centre, get some medicine and go home. These children are dying because of simple things that we ourselves can treat by going to a supermarket!

Sport Relief are putting a lot of money into educating them aswell as prevention. They dont just fund vaccines or medicine, they help people start small business', open schools, put in running water, sewage treatment etc.

I dont think sterilisation is the answer, thats just too drastic.

What John Bishop did last week was amazing and in my eyes he is a hero, £4m raised was some achievement, I think they raised over £50m on the night.

I couldn't dissagree more! How much money have we including the government sent to 3rd world countries? How many years have we been sending money?

So how much more are you going to send and for how much longer? The problem is getting worst by our interferrence, there are more and more every day!

As a few others have said, LETS LOOK AFTER OUR OWN FIRST!
I couldn't disagree more! How much money have we including the government sent to 3rd world countries? How many years have we been sending money?

So how much more are you going to send and for how much longer? The problem is getting worst by our interference, there are more and more every day!

As a few others have said, LETS LOOK AFTER OUR OWN FIRST!

All differences aside I totally agree with you on this.
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Since posting the original topic I have read with interest all of the replies, some agree some disagree which of course I would expect, but no one has, as yet, suggested an alternative solution to the one that I posed.
Disagree by all means but in disagreeing pose an alternative to support you disagreement and by so doing be constructive.
Maybe there isn't a workable alternative and as such persuaded NOT FORCED sterilisation is the answer, I can't think of any other one !!
Since posting the original topic I have read with interest all of the replies, some agree some disagree which of course I would expect, but no one has, as yet, suggested an alternative solution to the one that I posed.
Disagree by all means but in disagreeing pose an alternative to support you disagreement and by so doing be constructive.
Maybe there isn't a workable alternative and as such persuaded NOT FORCED sterilisation is the answer, I can't think of any other one !!

Why not let nature look after the problem.
Its easy to say, try and address the cause, but there are still children dying daily and they need help.

Its sad that when our children are ill, we go to the doctors or a walk in centre, get some medicine and go home. These children are dying because of simple things that we ourselves can treat by going to a supermarket!

Sport Relief are putting a lot of money into educating them aswell as prevention. They dont just fund vaccines or medicine, they help people start small business', open schools, put in running water, sewage treatment etc.

I dont think sterilisation is the answer, thats just too drastic.

What John Bishop did last week was amazing and in my eyes he is a hero, £4m raised was some achievement, I think they raised over £50m on the night.

I couldn't dissagree more! How much money have we including the government sent to 3rd world countries? How many years have we been sending money?

So how much more are you going to send and for how much longer? The problem is getting worst by our interferrence, there are more and more every day!

As a few others have said, LETS LOOK AFTER OUR OWN FIRST!

It is a lot more complicated than that, The UK dont just send X amount of money as aid out of generosity.

The aid is given out in loans, business dealings, stock, goods etc. You can guarantee that the UK get something in return.

With Sport Relief, at least we know that our money is going to help people and not line the pockets of foreign politicians.
Snico wrote;

With Sport Relief, at least we know that our money is going to help people and not line the pockets of foreign politicians.

My reply is (i dont think snico is hearing what i'm saying)


Can i make it any simplar?

I say we have enough charity cases in this country but they are to proud to be seen in trouble, stiff upper lip syndrome, lets seek them out, give them enough money to buy their food and heat their homes.
I know, is it sense of humour loss day?

Sorry, i'm afraid that due to serving my queen and country, i lived in Germany for to long and all but lost my sense of humour, i was lucky to get out when i did. Zieg Heil!
Snico wrote;

With Sport Relief, at least we know that our money is going to help people and not line the pockets of foreign politicians.

My reply is (i dont think snico is hearing what i'm saying)


Can i make it any simplar?

I say we have enough charity cases in this country but they are to proud to be seen in trouble, stiff upper lip syndrome, lets seek them out, give them enough money to buy their food and heat their homes.

Well its simple isnt it..........dont give any money to charity!

We are talking about money that the public raise to help children who are dying every day because they dont have any basic medicine. If you dont agree with it, then just dont donate anything. You should always check first what is happening to the money before you donate, and Sport Relief is a good thing.

You cannot compare this with foreign aid...thats a lot more technical and something which is out of our hands, putting your hand in your own pocket isnt.
Same difference.
People wanting to do good and not realising the money either does nothing assist hardly reaches them. When it does it is taken in expenses.

How much was free in the coverage? The cameramen, sound techs? Props?
Electricity? The street closures cost, were they free? The presenters fees?
Take them and others out of the equation and it was futile.

As i said before, you're making the problem worst for our children and their children, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM!! Bob Geldoff hasn't so what makes you think you will succeed?

I give nothing to sport relief, however every month direct debits from my account go to Peta, WISPA the blue cross and dogs trust who have never put a healthy dog down
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