That's a nicely chewed incoming neutral...
Yeah, I noticed a distinct lack of cpc's, I guess the conduit is meant to be earthed, but would not trust continuity via the conduit itself. The method of union leaves
a lot to be desired (understatement!!) & there are no individual cpc's run into the conduit.
Bit bothered by the neutrals marked red too...
The two cpc's connected to the earth bar feed the new circuit connected to the r/hand RCBO, a 16A radial, or a RF circuit?
The l/hand RCBO seems to be connected to rubber singles with no cpc. Is that a 16A rating too? If so, is the imperial stuff up to it?
And those cables that disappear through the back?? I can see the metalclad board is protected, but surely any cables exiting the CU that way (other than the pvc) would not be run with a cpc.
Were there conduits coming into the old DB back entry that have been hacked off?