A lot of people won't be able to go back because they will have children to look after until the schools go back.
Not a very well thought out plan to be honest.
For many people turning up at work tomorrow will be impossible, without prior talks with their employer, concerning many issues.
An ill thought out statement from the government.
Tomorrow lunch time there'll be a rash of articles about people showing up at work because Boris told them to go in.We all know its not happening tomorrow
If you've been working why would you get any lockdown cash? Sounds like benefits fraud to me.
We all know its not happening tomorrow
Im happy to quote someNo names then.
As I thought.
Don't need to.Im happy to quote some
perhaps you could tell me something Johnson said that actually wasn't a lie
Agree.We haven't got
A f in clue
what we are doing
Thats works.