Stock market dealing

If you want to make $money buying & selling stocks & shares, then you really should do some research into exactly what happened when r/wallstreetbets bought Gamestop (GME) shares to expose the corruption & how the system can be manipulated to work against you.

You need to go all the way down the rabbit hole to actually fully understand exactly what happened & how the market tried fiercly to mitigate it.

Pay very close attention to the antics of RobinHood.
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If you want to make $money buying & selling stocks & shares, then you really should do some research into exactly what happened when r/wallstreetbets bought Gamestop (GME) shares to expose the corruption & how the system can be manipulated to work against you.

You need to go all the way down the rabbit hole to actually fully understand exactly what happened & how the market tried fiercly to mitigate it.

Pay very close attention to the antics of RobinHood.

Old old news. There's plenty more now.
One I told y'all about -Vinfast, paid off as expected. It crashed like the tinpot company it is. Fundamentals of the company indicate the shares should be around $3.
They were pushing for 100. Darned things kept going up, I "shorted" them at 82.

Used £5k x 5 = £25k to sell at $82. They dropped 35+ bucks, yee ha, replaced them at $47. I didn't wait until the bottom.
So 25000 / 82 x 35 = £10,640 profit today, one trade.

The shares are still at 40 odd so there should be more in it, if I CBA.

When I was working I would have jumped at the chance to do something like this. It wasn't possible then, but it's a piece of p now.
Millions are doing it apparently, so "they" will find a way to stop it I expect. In the meantime, why don't you, if you work to earn money, do it too?
You have to be handy with numbers and read some stuff online.
1 hour - write down what you know you don't know.
2 hours, find the answers to that online.
Then 2 more hours to learn some of the stuff you will at that point realise you didn't know.
Get a free/cheap dealing platform. Either eToro, Trading212 or Freetrade, would be fine Pepperstone is probably better, they don't try to pretend they're utterly free. Obviously they all make a profit somewhere.
Spend an hour finding out how the platform works. They're all designed by stupid geeks - they don't bother with instructions, but you can "play" with a demo account, not using real money.

When you see a pattern like sawteeth, which is most ordinary stocks, buy at the bottom just as it turns, and and sell at the top. You will have earned some money.
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When you see a pattern like sawteeth, which is most ordinary stocks, buy at the bottom just as it turns, and and sell at the top. You will have earned some money.
"To the moon & back".

I think the main problem is that most folk who wake up one day & decide in their foolishness to GAMBLE their money on stocks & shares. tend to buy at the bottom & then wipe their tears as it continues to tumble ever downwards . . . . .

Anyone for currency derivatives???
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You're saying foolish because you don't know what you're talking about. It's the standard know-nothing dumb childish smartass thing to say. Thousands of people earn their living doing it, earning more than you can imagine. Most don't publish it on a DIY website.

Even Noddy Holder's roadie should be able to understand this:
You buy when it goes blue and you sell when it goes red. The candles' width is time. You can't tell without looking at the scale whether it's weeks or minutes, you get much the same all the time. This is "trending up" which helps, but it's not necessary. The blue bits always go up.


It's not like gambling, because you only put your money down when it's winning - it has already turned blue. Sell when it turns red. Of course the next one can be different, but look, it doesn't happen very often so it doesn't matter overall. Now do you understand?

You can of course also "short" the bits that go down. You would be winning if you only did that and ignored all the risers. I suppose that blows your mind. Many simple strategies like that work, though they can be improved. At finer timescales you can tell when it's losing momentum and is about to turn - like when the candles get shorter. Look at the first few blue candles (include the wicks). The 3rd and 4th are longer than the 5th and 6th

Put and call (sell and buy) options aren't complex to begin with either. They're a useful insurance.
Forex derivatives are p easy too, as is spread betting. You can get into trouble selling options, but I won't bother to explain it because you wouldn't understand. The only one which is classed as gambling is spread-betting, which is surprisingly simple. WInnings are tax free so it's popular.

FOrex is simple too. If you pick a calm one like USD/AUD the price drifts overnight. You see which way it's drifting. Let's say up. So you buy, and put a trailing stop loss which sells it if the price drops more than some small amount you set, below the highest it's got to so far. So you might start off winning say a dollar in 5 minutes.
After about 5 minutes the "spread" is covered so you're in profit. If the price drops say a dollar, it sells automatically. Sometimes it'll run for 20 minutes, sometimes all night, it depends if it wiggles. So you wake up and have a look to see how long it went for. Trouble is, if you go to the loo in the night it's too tempting to have a look and see if you have to set it going again. Last time I did it I gained $7. Previous one was $87.
I think the main problem is that most folk who wake up one day & decide in their foolishness to GAMBLE their money on stocks & shares.
Most folks don't. No takers here. The OP is struggling to drum up business. DIY'ers are usually more experienced and have better things to do with their money.
Most folks don't. No takers here. The OP is struggling to drum up business. DIY'ers are usually more experienced and have better things to do with their money.
What "business"? There isn't one.
"DIY'ers are usually more experienced" = utter crap and you know it. Almost none will have any experience of it.
Like DOrk, some will have read something somewhere years ago and think that's their higher knowledge.

You seem to be floundering around in a mire of sneering ignorance, too ubdurate to learn since your own foray into dealing with the stock market took you to some sort of disagreeable position - which you can't understand, or you would have expained it.
You can't even criticise with anything that's true, presumably because you don't understand.

I've had some interest privately, and some have started, but most don't believe what they're seeing, they aren't bright enough, they can't control their emotions, etc. One friend is doing ok, she started with £1k and is up about 450 in a few weeks. She works so only looks at it about once a day.
She emailed earlier. "The Prudential" did as expected this morning, jumping 4% on results - same as all the other insurance companies. £500 bought, x5x4%= £100 up, done and finished before she went to work - happy. If it hadn't jumped the order wouldn't have taken place

You have better things to do with your money? So you put a value on money.
Even the dumbest moron in the village should be able to work out that if you have better things to do with your money,
if you have more of it,
you can do more.
If (let's say) 74% of the punters lose money, and some break even, the small proportion of winners need to maintain a constant flow of new mugs to be fleeced.

Of course, this might not be the reason winners trumpet the benefits.

Have you seen ads like this?

chrome_screenshot_30 Aug 2023 13_45_47 BST.png
the small proportion of winners need to maintain a constant flow of new mugs to be fleeced.
The winners are those you actually hand your money to, and not some mysterious individuals, shorters, manipulators, etc.
the small proportion of winners need to maintain a constant flow of
No, they - we - don't have to provide other people. Brokers make a profit out of all they handle, obviously. Like banks. Are you just trying to find a derogatory angle?

There are chat forums on the trading platforms. It's very obvious a high proportion of the people there are pretty thick and ignorant. Some think high dividend stocks are a good idea., but they ignore that the instrument price is dropping. Some ask "Is Tesla good to invest in". Basic maths is beyond very many. There's a Youtube video with a wumman who says she's been investing for years, and uses eToro.. She talks about how you can make a profit on what happens in the news. She shows her list of stocks, most of which show a loss of 10 - 20%. That doesn't matter, she says, those are investments. Another suggests putting £20 a week into stock using cfds because you get £100 of shares. The idiot's never heard of swap prices. Or falling instrument prces.
There is a bit to learn. Not a lot, but you're doomed if you blunder in.
The winners are those you actually hand your money to, and not some mysterious individuals, shorters, manipulators, etc.
There are manipulators - search on "Dark Pools".
Stock exchanges make a profit, but nothing compared with the amount of money they handle.
The stock exchange itself is designed to win - they set the spreads. The brokers get a commission, whether you win or lose, but they're highly regulated.
I said right at the beginning that most lose their money. Just make sure you're part of the chunk who don't. Not very difficult, as I've shown multiple times.
If you think it's just like gambling, you're too thick, don't do it, you'd lose,.
The stock exchange itself is designed to win - they set the spreads. The brokers get a commission, whether you win or lose, but they're highly regulated.
That's how Eddie Murphy described it in 'Trading Places' when the brothers explained how the SM worked for them: "you guys are just a couple o' bookies'. I know you'll say it's more than that, but the way brokers work they have to cover themselves since the Market can be so unpredictable, regardless how good your grasp of math is, the variables can be real random.
the variables can be real random.

WHich variables are random and work against you?

It's odd how JD and others may say Noo nooo noooooo I'm an investor and that's respectable. That's the same, only slower!.

What I'm doing is also like a shop stocking up for Christmas, in that it's GAMBLING on what's going to sell well.

What I'm hearing is that you mustn't go to Africa because there are animals which can eat you, everybody wants to charge you for things, they have nasty diseases there and the governments do not have British standards. Obviously nobody should ever go there.
Fine, if you're an imbecile, don't go anywhere. But it's dumb to sneer at and take the p out of those who can deal with those things just because you can't.
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