Stock market dealing

Why was it a clear bottom? Only after the event. And I did wait for confirmation. It came in the form of MACD on the 1 minute coming back down to the signal line. Waiting for confirmation caused me to get in later than I would have done otherwise, and after the price had come down a bit from where it was.
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It was at about the dotted line which was a huge level from earlier. I looked at the qqqs irc or other names, and went short about where the red line is. NVDA was due to go down from the news. The volume was ok, it had been rising a while, so bouncing off the level looked likely. My stop was at the level.
So I got about 2.5% , watching for reversals and only entering the shorts. They have easy patterns to spot those on the 1 minute. See??
Then it was ranging from about 1800, see?
VWAP is white. - often makes a level but it depends where you anchor it so that shifts the level a bit
Afraid I don't really see, sorry. The dotted line shows a level it traded at from 9pm the night before when the markets was closed, so it hardly makes a big level. There was no clear trend in the qqqs on Friday. The trend in nvidia was up when you say you shorted it. If the volume was OK then that doesn't suggest a reversal, it suggests a continuation. I can't see the volume on IG anyway as it is dwarfed by the opening volume. I suppose you could keep going short and closing out if you were very lucky. The range it later traded in was not really enough to trade because the spread would have used up a lot of any profits.

I've gone short on cable today on the basis that people are starting to talk about interest rate HIKES in the USA. Close out at 5:30pm. Looking at all these charts seems to only serve to cloud the issues.
Short in gold until 8:35pm tonight. It's spiked up, I don't see so much in the way of geopolitical events right now to keep it high, and lots of US data out today to help strengthen the dollar. Out to the gym and for lunch so won't look at it.
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Hut just hit VWAP - see if it bounces up like before.....


few minutes later - nope. BTC etc dipped so didn't try long. Go short.
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Closed out just after 3pm cos of bad home sales news:

27/06/2024 15:04
Spot Gold
Hut just hit VWAP - see if it bounces up like before.....


few minutes later - nope. BTC etc dipped so didn't try long. Go short.
Maybe you edited it twice, but whatever, it's a shame that the only timing shown for your edit is not a few minutes later, but nearly three hours.
Why was it a clear bottom? Only after the event.
Yes, about 2 minutes after. You don't go short after a bottom.
confirmation. It came in the form of MACD on the 1 minute coming back down to the signal line.
That's not confirmation. MACD is a lagging indicator. The price was rising - that's why you lost.
Afraid I don't really see, sorry. The dotted line shows a level it traded at from 9pm the night before when the markets was closed, so it hardly makes a big level.
You need to learn about the significance of levels. End of day, high of previous day, even from ages ago, are significant
There was no clear trend in the qqqs on Friday. The trend in nvidia was up when you say you shorted it. If the volume was OK then that doesn't suggest a reversal, it suggests a continuation.
Who said anything abouut trends. I've told you before, levels and trends are different. The price goes up because of excess buyers up to the level then down because of excess sellers.
The range it later traded in was not really enough to trade because the spread would have used up a lot of any profits.
No. The spread is shown. 3 cents on $126. = 0.0238%
The range is shown. More than 0.3%. About 1 dozen times bigger. That is not a lot of spread even allowing for imperfect entries/exits. It probably does stretch on the turn - varies with platform, but not much.

So that's you wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. All, made-up , to try to justify what you did. You must see yourself doing it. You must sit down thinking "I'll show JP why he was wrong". When you can't, because you lost and I won, which would be some sort of proof for a reasonable man.
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Maybe you edited it twice, but whatever, it's a shame that the only timing shown for your edit is not a few minutes later, but nearly three hours.
Now you're coming across as a daft punk. No it is not a shame. Shame is on you..
You're trying to catch me out? Jeez.
It didn't bounce. I waited a bit then went short. I added "so go short" after it finished, so what? That's what you do if it goes through a level, you carry on. Not too hard to understand surely?
I did basically the same as yesterday ffs.
And I will forecast now, that I'll probably do much the same tomorrow, given the chance.
I don't need to prove anything to you. You would have seen, depending when you looked, how should I know, I don't care.

The catalyst was HUT8 joining the R3000 - not much. That's why the others weren't doing it.
So as before, about 12% going up and 8% - with a gap, going down.
I used some proceeds from the up for going down so came out about 2.2x


I think you're assigning too much causation for gold price changes to odd numbers from the US.
27/06/2024 15:04
Spot Gold
It doesn't seem to fit the chart, $2312 is early morning, But you were against the trend, and far too much time short, in an uptrend. And when the price started dropping, you didn't re-enter.
Why? (Don't answer that!).

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Now you're coming across as a daft punk. No it is not a shame. Shame is on you..
You're trying to catch me out? Jeez.
It didn't bounce. I waited a bit then went short. I added "so go short" after it finished, so what?
Because it's strange that would have written "Go short" after you had done so, rather than "Went short".
Yes, about 2 minutes after. You don't go short after a bottom.
So you see a setup, like a stock goes down to vwap. You wait to see if it bounces. It doesn't. It starts going below, so you have confirmation. You get in. Then it goes up. So it was a bottom. Stupid you for not being able to see that it would go up and become a bottom.
That's not confirmation. MACD is a lagging indicator. The price was rising - that's why you lost.
You said to include MACD as one of the things to look at. What do you look for for confirmation then if not an indicator? They are all lagging. Let the move begin, and risk it establishing a bottom?
Who said anything abouut trends. I've told you before, levels and trends are different. The price goes up because of excess buyers up to the level then down because of excess sellers.
Still don't know what you were looking for on qqqs when you did so.
It's just an action to take if the thing doesn't bounce, it's what to do.
It says more about you that you want to turn it in to a snide little comment because of your attitude problem.
What's strange is that I'm giving you guidance telling you some of where you're doing things wrong, repeatedly, and you're trying to turn me into your enemy.
You're relentlessly self-destructive seeking to blame everyone except yourself. Always a reason to not do what the advisers all say, always some feeble reason dredged up to justify your action when you do something stupid.
You always seem to think you're clever and that you have some angle. and that the books, "gurus" and everyone else you don't whant to hear is only trying to sell something. If you were right, would you be losing what, a grand a week?
A number of times you've lied about what I've said so you can try to blame me. Can't you see it?

If you get advice from a book or youtuber or a person and you sneer at it, it's your problem.
I can say practice, in a simulator.
Spend all day trying scalps. If there's no trade, keep looking. Every time, record the result and why it was a loser or a winner. Write it down. Find the common denominators, Simple. After a thousand scalps you'll have lost no real money and learned what works. You'd be winning 70-80% of your trades if you use your best, honest intelligence. If you just join trends and mostly lose (likely), don't just join trends, ever, until you can refine that. Use ordinary moving averages. They work
Will you do it?, Of course not, you think you know better, or you don't actually want to win.

Book for you:
Then it goes up.
Possible, always. So you get out before you hit your loss limit. There are lots of those. Told you that one before a few times.
You said to include MACD as one of the things to look at.
You have to learn what MACD is and how to use it. Have you altered the periods like I suggested, have you back-tested it? Have you tried it live?
If I say piano music is nice, you get a piano and start bashing the keys, it's my fault because it sounds horrible?? No but you want to make it my fault.. If a person stomped up and down saying "But YOU SAID", how old do you think they'd be? That's what I'm hearing because it's a pattern now.
Still don't know what you were looking for on qqqs when you did so.
A tiny bit of thought would be able to guess what it was. Don't remember the situation, but it was probably for confluence. Hardly something new to you.

These questions of yours speak to the attutude problem.
NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)Position/s closed: 7PRVAKAS
NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)Position opened: 7PRVAKAS
Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)Position/s closed: 7PNV4WA6
Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)Position opened: 7PNV4WA6
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position/s closed: 7PK389A6
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position partially closed: 7PK389A6
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position opened: 7PK389A6
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd - ADR (All Sessions)Position/s closed: 7PJHZKAN
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position/s closed: 7PFNPFAB
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd - ADR (All Sessions)Position opened: 7PJHZKAN
Apple Inc (All Sessions)Position/s closed: 7PHC4VAJ
Apple Inc (All Sessions)Position opened: 7PHC4VAJ
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position partially closed: 7PFNPFAB
Hut 8 Mining Corp (US)Position opened: 7PFNPFAB
Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)Position/s closed: 7PEGGLBB Price Improved by 3 Points Requested Level 20088
Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)Position opened: 7PEGGLBB Price Improved by 1 Points Requested Level 19898
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