Stock market dealing

No, on Sbux he said wait , be patient, and go long from $10., but from start of day.

Anyway, that's a good rise on DJT well done

You know Tesla produced great results last night???
(SK Hynix up, too)
Everyone expected their stock to rise today. It was about as sure as it gets. I transferred some extra cash for it this am. .
Best entry wasnear 234, it topped at end of day at 260.
I dipped out when it stopped rising at about 3, and rejoined a couple of bucks lower. Just over 11% on the day, x5 = 55 odd %.

In the ISA I used TSLAx3, came out up about 30%.

I fear Trump may win, and the polls are making it look that way. Harris isn't solid enough.
I'm sure Trump has convinced people that foreigners pay the tariffs, not the Amurricans.
KH should make it clear - "If you're well off, imported stuff will cost you a load more. If you aren't, your employer won't be able to export.
Look how much it cost the Brits to isolate themselves just a bit in Brexit.......".
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Sbux or SNAP? Who is "he"? Be patient and get in at the start of the day. Haha!
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Yes obviously snap not Sbux - different levels.
He? Who do you think??? The bloke you were quoting of course.
The notes always refer to the start of the day, not later when you entered. Conditions may be very different
Be patient, he said, so it's not what you said he said. Bad habit you have there.
Yes obviously snap not Sbux - different levels.
He? Who do you think??? The bloke you were quoting of course.
The notes always refer to the start of the day, not later when you entered. Conditions may be very different
Be patient, he said, so it's not what you said he said. Bad habit you have there.
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As I said, I just did it based on the email. I got in at 2:31pm. You seem to like bragging after the event about how easy it all is for you:

"General Motors early for ~5% and Joby later for ~10. Both on premarket/ news. Joby via TradingTV Benzinga.."

but my point is that it's not possible to replicate this.
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it's not possible to replicate this.
It's Not possible to act on what's already going up, or on news? Not replicable? Of course it is.
If I wanted to brag I'd give a running total, which blows me away, and many would probably find offensive.
I'm telling anyone who's interested what to do and that it's not hard, yes.
That IGI I wrote about a while ago - is bustin out the top of its channel. I'll sell soon:


What to me is inexplicable, is why more people don't do it.

I've said before the event many times, what I'm going to do.
Again - bitcoin is expected to go up. There are a couple of reasons, which may not pan out, but in the premarket, look at the price.
Look for other indicators, various expressions of sentiment etc. Then if one or more of MARA, COIN, RIOT, MSTR, HUT8, start moving, using normal tactics and risk management, buy the one which looks best. How many more times? This is before the fact, as it has been for months.

I will be using the screeners and premarket movements more. There's masses of online analysis and info, free.
Small nuclear is "hot". Keep an eye on those. Said that before I believe.

I spoke to an old mate about it recently. He wanted to buy some NVDA. FIne, I said, hang on to it and it'll probably come well, may dip a bit so make sure that you're prepared for that.
He called me - "I bought £100 worth and it dropped 2% so I sold it"
"didn't want to lose any more"
"Was that the bottom"
"No, I would have lost more so I did the right thing, didn't I".
"Did you buy while it was coming back up"
"What's the price now"
"well it's up 4%, but..."
"Did you think NVDA was going down forever, or could you have held your position to, say, minus a tenner?
"Oh well yes, I suppose".

Later he admitted he'd done the same again.


Looking at the detail of long term holdings, I need to do more homework and hold through more dips. Where I've reacted, the combination of poor spreads (etfs) and really slow actions by fund holders, mean that by the time you're in, it's time to get out. In a couple of cases the delay meant I bought at the top after which the price fell. WIth the worst, you're out of the market for about 5 days, then the trade goes through even if you didn't want it to by then.
Selling is quick enough, so when the indicators say sell, best to do it without planning a buy immediately ("switching"). It doesn't "settle" for a few days, but you can pick your time to re-enter. With HSBC you have to phone them to get a quick buy otherwise it can be next day.

By Homework, I mean looking at higher timescales for trends and channels.
I've had some success doing that with Rolls R and IGI but need to find more.

Obvious ones are PLTR, NVDA, Cost, SOXL, BTC.Gold,some others of the Mag7. Earnongs are important of course, but ex-div dates are often more of a catalyst than really makes sense.
RRx3 Note the % ages

Financials sector, x1. Indicators help tell you where NOT to buy.