Stupid Rules



Does your place of work Local Authority etc have any stupid rules that can't actually be enforced?

My hospital like a few others, have banned smoking within its grounds, yet patients and visitors can be seen outside of various entrances to the building smoking. Why, because the rule can't be enforced.

This same hospital has a posted speed restriction of 5 mph! FFS if I drove at 5 mph I little old ladies in manual wheelchairs would overtake me.
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Old ladies in those god damn awful mobility scooters zoom round Tesco at about 30mph (ok, ok, but they arent slow!) They should have a speed limit at the door. I kid you not. Most people saunter round the place, these things belt around like the world gonna end in 5 minutes. Then they ask where something is. "Oh I've been down here" "yeah you were going too fast to notice it!!!" :evil: :rolleyes:
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