Sue Gray

Rayner is a woman, and not a Tory.

Motorbiking's vendetta is only to be expected.
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The thing that gets me about her is all of the comments from pundits. They praise her aims. Mention how tricky it is and try to dream up ways of borrowing more. Infrastructure usually figures. They see gov spending on that as a must. Well the only people who don't know how dire things are in terms of obtaining growth or how tricky it is seems to be members of the public. The pundits do clearly see that.

Her 1st task is to get the money in to match general expenditure. No borrowing for that. Pundits applaud. Past that there are complications largely down to needing debt to fall. Some say in 5years but I understand it's actually 8 and needs to show some billions of spare for unforeseen problems. The rules are checked more often than this which means a country can keep bouncing up against them. I understand she has cut some infrastructure spending but that may relate to what for. The Labour view is that it must be of a type that can cause growth. Not somebodies pet project.

LOL A mad example for fun in an area I mostly grew up in. It had a working shopping centre. Many shops surviving in decent order. Along comes an idea that happened. Knock the lot down and build them again. The centre had a decent captive market. They now have no where to shop.. Similar has been mentioned where I live now. Older shops. Nock them down and update them. As things stand some get boarded up now and again until some one takes one on who may succeed or not. Decent footfall and some of the shops are busy most of the time. Some of the shop owners would not be able to afford the rent of new builds.
Why has Rachel Reeves dyed her hair ginger?
Because Sue Gray resigned, and Morgan has now approved it.

But seriously, she must be tempted in the budget to go for the non dom right wing newspaper owners on offshore tax, just to let them know there are consequences to day in day out anti labour propaganda.
People get it wrong when they say Sue was Starmy's boss. She was given the job to deal with the political appointees in the civil service (SPAD's etc) and to prepare for government. He just delegated everything to someone he thought was highly efficient and organised (which she was), but she clearly wasn't up to working in a political type role as opposed to being an impartial civil servant. Cutting the pay of the special advisers was just naïve. There's a quote somewhere of her saying she is a disrupter. She ended up disrupting herself, and harming Kier's personal brand. Perhaps huge political power does strange things to the ego.
C4's creeper around Westminster went through the Grey affair. She was seen as interfering with policy by some advisors. This seems to be down to talking to Labour people who feel that they must do something about poverty. A couple of these have been interviewed. They say they are prepared to wait until Labour can. The interviewers would be hoping to stir things up.

McSweeney represents a group who worked out how to turn the corbynites and helped get Starmer get elected as the leader etc. He is a campaigner. In Labour terms RW as are the others. Some accused Blair of being a closet Tory. Some seem to expect Labour to ditch all Tory ideas. They don't.They same can apply when they get in.

Then C4's man interviews a previous Starmer chief of staff. It turns out that he has had others and it's not unusual for them to last ~15months. Starmer reading the riot act to them gets a mention.

Policy though. Another group of specialist advisors who's job is to look at what is worth spending money on. Growth. They could cut across all. This seems to have come to grief. Not sure.

LOL McSeewney's wiki page mentions Grey moving his desk further away from Starmer's office twice. Interesting hint for him.

Different form of power politics and it seems to have been achieved via leaks. LOL Who knows really. It's the news worthy views that hit the headlines, The leaks can be part of the plot.
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Some accused Blair of being a closet Tory.
He voted to ban trident in the early days - above all else, bliar was an opportunist, the GF agreement is the only worthwhile thing he did to earn his footnote in history
When was this?
IIRC he entered parliament in 1983, when Michael Foot was leader and party policy was to oppose the nuclear deterrent. He spoke about having to oppose it, even though he believed in it, because it was Labor policy
IIRC he entered parliament in 1983, when Michael Foot was leader and party policy was to oppose the nuclear deterrent. He spoke about having to oppose it, even though he believed in it, because it was Labor policy
Fair enough, any links?
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