Sunday noise.

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Get on with it...Its no worse than having kids..playing..the quicker you do it, the quicker the dust will settle.. :LOL:

If you are working mon - fri, when else can it be done

What if his neighbours are Jewish?
Diyisfun asked 'If you are working mon - fri, when can it be done'. I said Saturday. There was no mention of Jews until your question. If however, the neighbours were/are Jewish then I assume Sunday would be preferable to them, making this whole thread rather redundant. :rolleyes:
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Akmed would say...


Silence all of you.... I kill you!
I am taking a wall down indoors and my new neighbour has just complained about the noise.
Are you treating them as you would wish to be treated?

On which day of the week do you think they entitled to expect that they can enjoy a bit of peace and quiet?

Are there any regulations that i have to stick to regarding making noise/building work in my own house at weekends?
Do you need regulations to organise your life, instead of extending basic courtesy to your neighbours?
If its at a reasonable hour I dont think its any of their concern. What if they say "No we'd rather you didn't" you'll still do it anyway as it's just a bit of noise.
If its at a reasonable hour I dont think its any of their concern.
What are the "reasonable" hours on a Sunday?

What if they say "No we'd rather you didn't"
Wouldn't respect and consideration for your neighbours dictate that you took a day off work to do it, rather than spoil someone else's?

you'll still do it anyway as it's just a bit of noise.
No - you would still do it anyway. :rolleyes:

And people wonder why society in general is increasingly divisive and insular. If some of the views of posters on this topic are representative of the majority of people, then the way back is going to take several generations.
DIY work often has to be done at weekends, including Sundays.

AFAIK the law does not prohibit a bit of DIY noise on a Sunday, not even if it goes on for most of the day.

If the noise was excessive, (by that I mean went on constantly for many days) then there would be grounds for complaint but AFAIK the law says that a neighbour must put up with occasional noise.
Once the wall is down its not likely to be knocked down again!

If the neighbours complain about working on a Sunday just apologise nicely & explain that it needs doing.

I always stop any noisy work by 8PM even though I can continue if I wished.

I do my DIY at the weekend because I work during the week, taking a day off is not part of the equation, weekends are for DIY :D
It is just common courtesy to mention to the neighbours if you are having work done or a skip delivered and so on.

Reading some of the previous posts I am glad I have the neighbours that I have. :D
You would seriously mention to your neighbours that you were having a skip deleivered? to let them know in advance they can fill it at night under the cover of darkness :LOL:

I've done a lot of noisy work recently, never bothered to let my neighbour know, he makes noise when doing DIY fairly regularly, can't say i have ever given it much thought to be fair.

Unless you are a victor meldrew type who cares, so long as it doesn't go on all day and until daft O'clock.
Our burglar alarm went off Sunday morning while we were out (due to events unconnected with a burglary!) and it must have been VERY annoying for our neighbours (semi-det and we've got one of those internal sirens as well)

But I went round to apologise and they were really good about it - especially when I explained what had set it off
Our burglar alarm went off Sunday morning while we were out (due to events unconnected with a burglary!) and it must have been VERY annoying for our neighbours (semi-det and we've got one of those internal sirens as well)

But I went round to apologise and they were really good about it - especially when I explained what had set it off

your alarm should only sound for 20mins anyway.
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