Unfortunately if pneumonia is caused by a virus,
Which it isn't.
Unfortunately if pneumonia is caused by a virus,
Bacterial pneumonia is cuased by bacteria.
Regardless joe, it does not change what i have said earlier, which is:
We will not see the fatalities of 1918 because of the availability of modern medicine. End of.
Glad to hear he's getting better,perhaps the GP should be reported?Both of my children have had swine flu. The youngest was bad for 3-4 days but my eldest son was been extremely ill for almost three weeks. He had swine flu followed by pneumonia.
The worst part was knowing how ill he was and the authorities not giving a damn. He was seen twice by a locum GP who missed the initial swine flu and then refused to concede that there was a secondry lung infection. He kept saying "the lungs are clear". We took him to A&E because he was so ill (we phoned first and, although at first they didn't want us to come, they did relent and made special arrangements to see him.) He was prescibed a strong antibiotic as he was diagnosed with a lower lung infection. Despite the antibiotics he seemed to be getting worse.
We were so worried by this point that we paid for a private consultation with a respitory consultant. The locum GP, who we needed a referal letter from, said he didn't know why we had made the appointment as the lungs were clear. Within two hours of being seen he was diagnosed with......
Thankfully my son is now over the worst of the infection.