Ahahah £4k of labour, man that 's a lot of money for that sort of Job, even a banker is not paid that much for 3 days!!!! and even less for 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah there is a point where you need to be realistic!!!
Barclays and RBS paid 523 staff more than £1m a year
That's approx. £2700+ per day That's the salary of the banker the bank are paying over heads to pay even that salary, Not saying we are as cleaver as the bankers tho, we only get our hands dirty they just wreak havoc with the economy. so not being that cleaver so I guess we are not worth as much.
You measure what you think is payment in the pocket for your job but in reality it is to cover overheads etc not just earn a living.
try running a business and you will find out what you really end up working for per/hr An old saying springs to mind pay peanuts employ a monkey.
As I pointed out get more quotes I am sure you will get a cheaper one.
good luck with your project.