Tactical voting

If an MP who is an aide to the Prime Minister, uses inside information to place a bet in the hope of making a quick cash gain, shouldn't that be a criminal act?

No good just banning him from the House, if he's about to lose his seat anyway.

Thought it was a criminal act ?? Sort of insider trading caper ??

Mind you wish I had been in the loop I would have bunged a bunce on it ;)

And I would not have been easily caught ? And if I had been I would have stated it was for charity :giggle:
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Thought it was a criminal act ?? Sort of insider trading caper ??

AFAIK the only person to have been ?arrested? was a cop who might have overheard some gossip.

The MP has not even been suspended, or barred from standing for election.

I hear there were several.
AFAIK the only person to have been ?arrested? was a cop who might have overheard some gossip.

The MP has not even been suspended, or barred from standing for election.

I hear there were several.

The cop was probably for different reasons because he was a cop ??

Afaik the others are under investigation by the gambling commission

Bigger fools them for getting caught
Obviously lacking any common sense so they should all be sacked for being stupid imo
Here we are:

"Fourth Tory under investigation over alleged gambling on election timing​

Probe into Nick Mason comes as betting scandal has rocked Rishi Sunak’s Conservative party"


"A fourth Conservative staffer is under investigation by the Gambling Commission for betting on the timing of the general election, adding further fuel to a scandal that has engulfed Rishi Sunak’s party just two weeks from polling day.

Nick Mason, the Tories’ chief data officer, has taken a leave of absence as the regulator probes his possible use of privileged information to bet on the vote, according to two people with knowledge of the situation.

The betting scandal has dealt a heavy blow to the Conservative party as it battles to revive its struggling campaign ahead of the July 4 general vote

.The prime minister is facing severe criticism over his handling of the saga, as calls grow for him to suspend party figures who are being probed by the Gambling Commission."

Tory sleaze.

I blame de Piffle. Ethics and behavioural norms are led from the top.
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Let’s face it if them 4 are that stupid how could they be trusted in government

Obviously lacking in any nous and got easily caught / found out that’s the worst part imo

Dip sticks