Hi Everybody,
Though I have no body decorations of any kind and definitely
would not ask a young woman out who smoked, had tatoos, or
any of this so called jewelry stuck through their body, I still
think they should be allowed to do it if they wish as it is no one
elses business. BUT I don't think they should be allowed to
have them removed on the NHS for any reason, they paid to
have them put on they should be made to pay to have them
taken off. This is supposed to be a free country but of late I
have my doubts.
I hope no young ladies will come back saying what makes you
think any young women would want to go out with me.
I can tell them they wouldn't at seventy nine I'm passed my
sell by date but was happily married forty years before loseing
my better half. It is called "Live and let Live"
Cheer's and All the best Everybody,