Taxi Driver

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I think this shows even more clearly why gun clubs and the likes should be banned. Some rsole goes doolally and kills his ex partner and child as well as himself (derby). That was bad enough, but at the same time some other rsole goes doolally and kills and injures a shed load of people. Difference being the first fella had a knife, the second fella had easy access to guns. Perhaps if he hadn't he might have killed his brother and the other two he had it in for, but he wouldn't have gone on the rampage and killed all the other poor buggers who didn't know him from adam.
I think this shows even more clearly why gun clubs and the likes should be banned. Some rsole goes doolally and kills his ex partner and child as well as himself (derby). That was bad enough, but at the same time some other rsole goes doolally and kills and injures a shed load of people. Difference being the first fella had a knife, the second fella had easy access to guns. Perhaps if he hadn't he might have killed his brother and the other two he had it in for, but he wouldn't have gone on the rampage and killed all the other poor b*****r who didn't know him from adam.

Or he might have driven his car into a crowd of people killing children as well.

Let's ban cars!
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I don't see any reason why a taxi driver with a criminal record living in a terrace house ever has need for a gun - farmers yes - the rest - no.
We could all live without them, the vast majority wouldn't even miss them cos most people never see one, and don't want to.
Can you say that about cars?
I can understand why anyone who lives in a city doesn't understand the reasons for owning guns, however in a rural area they are a necessary tool for the likes of keeping vermin down.
Just because one person flipped doesn't mean you have to ban them from everyone.
Just because they live in caravans doesn't mean they are vermin.
We could all live without them, the vast majority wouldn't even miss them cos most people never see one, and don't want to.
Can you say that about cars?

Good job the British Government didn't think this way in 1939 eh ;) ;) ;)
I don't see any reason why a taxi driver with a criminal record living in a terrace house ever has need for a gun - farmers yes - the rest - no.
Equally. I can't see the reason for toffs living in Chelsea to own a pair of Purdy's. But they do, and pay well to go on pheasant shoots etc.
this was a terrible tragedy, and I can only imagine what its like for the victims and families but I can't help wondering why it requires so much of the police resources thrown at it.
It was reported on the news that over 100 officers will now be investigating the incidents.
Why? Investigate what?
They know who was killed, where they were killed and who done it, and he happens to now be dead, so what is there to be achieved? I really don't get it. How much does it cost to deploy hundreds of police officers to one place? alot I reckon.
this was a terrible tragedy, and I can only imagine what its like for the victims and families but I can't help wondering why it requires so much of the police resources thrown at it.
It was reported on the news that over 100 officers will now be investigating the incidents.
Why? Investigate what?
They know who was killed, where they were killed and who done it, and he happens to now be dead, so what is there to be achieved? I really don't get it. How much does it cost to deploy hundreds of police officers to one place? alot I reckon.

If you've ever watched 'The Real CSI', not the American tv series though it does mirror true life very closely, you would realise that 1 little scrap of evidence, 1 snippet of a remark can throw a whole new light on an investigation.
It won't bring anyone back but could help them to identify why it happened and signs to lok ot for in the future

Edited spelling mistake.
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