taxi drivers

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
One just pulled up outside my house. Stopped about 20yds from the driveway of the house it was ordered for, then peeped his horn, without even looking around. One passenger is disabled, so one of the party had to go out and tell the driver to reverse up to the driveway front.

Other gripes I have about taxi drivers are:

*Eating a PIZZA while driving, whose box kept falling off the dashboard onto me.
*TEXTING on a mobile phone, trying to conceal the fact by doing it near the ignition.
*TALKING on a mobile phone.
*SPEEDING excessively (not 35/45, but 60-70 in 40 area).
*SHOUTING at their colleagues in the car next to us while stationery at the traffic lights and trying to do same while navigating a ROUNDABOUT. Oh, and doing it in some eastern dialect. I find this the height of rudeness.
*Poor standards of driving - very late braking, following very close.
*Playing god awful music on t'wireless.


Anyone ever complained to licensing authorities about taxi drivers? wondered how effective it would be doing this.
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Give them a chance, they have only been in The UK a few days. :D

Had a white, British, English-speaking taxi driver a few weeks back. He even knew where to go without being directed. Was quite surprised!
i complained to the licensing authorities a few yr back about taxis that
would park behind our local homebase and p*ss in the car park.

i did get a phone call months later from the cab company saying that it had taken to court and the drivers involved where fined for urinating in a public place.

the local licensing authorities do take complaints quite serious.

and personnaly i hate taxi drivers. (if any come on here.)
I hate them too! :evil:

They think they own the roads, terrible drivers and never allow you to pull out.

Should tax them off the roads! :D
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SHOUTING at their colleagues in the car next to us while stationery at the traffic lights and trying to do same while navigating a ROUNDABOUT. Oh, and doing it in some eastern dialect. I find this the height of rudeness.
:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Steve, if translated he was probably Shouting:
I hate all these fat lazy damn taxi drivers - well private hire drivers ... not the blackcab drivers.

They can't even drive FFS. They are up your a**e when they have a fare, and go as slow as possible at other times. Will brake randomly and suddenly when looking for addresses.

Park where is good for them, not for their fare or other road uses

Don't indicate

Think they own the roads

Sit on their fat a***s bibbing their horn from down the street at all hours instead of knocking the door of the person they are picking up

Most are signing on

And they don't half talk some s**t

And that's just for starters.

They are the only 'professional' drivers I know who can't actually drive

God I hate them with a vengeance :evil:
With you guys on this one :evil: And the bus drivers in Eastbourne too. Arrogant ****s
By and large I have developed a curiously satisfying habit.

When pulling out from a junction, if I see a taxi coming along, I wait until the last minute before pulling out, thus causing him to brake. Just trying to redress the balance.

Mind you, on a completely different topic, I mostly tell anyone who calls me on a private or witheld number that I don't accept their calls. Tends to put their nose out of joint quite a bit. After all, if I can't contact them directly, why should I allow it to be the other way round? (There are exceptions, but it does get rid of quite a few unwanted calls quickly and efficiently)
From what I understand is taxi drivers don't have to wear seat belt and yet you never see them get out of the car.
i THINK taxi drivers need to wear a seatbelt when they are in the cab themselves, but when they have a fare they don't, it is to do with them being attacked by the punter and getting caught up in the belt
I can only praise my local taxi firm, hardly ever late and call me up about 2 minutes before they arrive outside house. Usually up for a bit of banter too, specially on return journey after a few sherberts!
The ones I'm in I like the ones I compete with on the road I dislike!
I have thought of a great analogy for taxi drivers when seen on motorways; They're just like battery hens released into a field,completely bewildered by what's going on around them!

The to$$ers always hog the middle lane at never more than 50mph,
oblivious to all other traffic, until about 20yds before an exit when they suddenly veer off without indicating :evil: :evil:

I detest them
For Sale.

4 x 12volt indicator bulbs.

Three years old but never been used. (Fitted to a black cab)
For Sale.

4 x 12volt indicator bulbs.

Three years old but never been used. (Fitted to a black cab)
Could one not say the same for BMW 5 series and upwards, VW Golfs, and all other cars stereotypically driven by idiots?
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