Teachers have been taking the pis s since march 2020.
I say, vax them , meet their demand and get them back to work.
They're a bunch of alcoholic stroppy lazy bast@rds and they claim to be heroes.
One of them told me that they are in the most dangerous profession in UK...
Soldiers, emergency workers, sewage cleaners, police and everybody else is just a pussycat.
Be a hero, be a teacher!
What a load of boll@x!
My other half's a teacher - Year 1 (5-6 year olds).
She works in a school in Bootle (which pretty deprived area). She has 13 out of 29 kids in class every day, and is expected to provide a full curriculum for them. This is a mix of vulnerable kids (and some of their stories are just awful so they need to be in the safe environment of school) and the others are kids of 'key workers'...although most of them aren't true key workers (for example an administrative assistant for a bank is classed a key worker...even though they are working from home every day!).
My other half also has to set up lessons for children that have access to IT kit so they get a decent set of tasks to do each day. Each task has to be explained with a recorded video by her.
Separately she also has to set up a third set of resources/lessons for the children that don't/won't come in and do not have a computer. Those ones are getting paper stuff delivered to them at home. Again all the lessons, have to be written out/explained so the parents know what to do with their kids... many of the parents do none of it because they are either thick, or just don't give a crap... however, my missus still has to give them the opportunity to do it.
Basically she's having to come up with 3 sets of lessons to accommodate these 3 groups, which still being in class 8.45 - 3pm with the kids that are in school.
Since last March, her routine has been like this:
6am alarm goes off
7am send out daily activities to kids remote learning with IT
7.30am leave for school
8am prep class room for in-school kids
8.45am start teaching
3pm kiddies go home - marking in school work, pre-papers or mark papers for home kids without IT
6pm get home, have dinner
7pm start recording lessons and finding activities for home kids with IT, finish marking, plan activities for in school kids for next day, do other school admin, answer messages from parents (who message via class 'do-jo app' 24/7 and want instant response
10pm make lunch for next day, get ready for bed
At the weekend, she doesn't go to school obviously, but will work Saturday and Sunday for at least a few hours each day - just to catch up. Some weekend days it'll be all day.
She's not claiming to be a hero. She's not demanding a vaccine shot. She's got 6 hours a day in a room in close contact with 13 kids for extended periods (unlike shop workers), and those kids mostly have siblings in other classes and/or schools and they go home to their families. The indirect exposer to large numbers of people is pretty significant.
She is worried about the virus as she's been in hospital a few times with respiratory issues...but most of all she keeps on going because she cares about the kids in her class and wants them to not be disadvantaged by this whole shi t show.
Every situation is different I grant you, but tarring all teachers with comments like yours...and many of the others in this thread is ******.
Try and have a little respect for many people (not just teachers) doing difficult jobs in trying circumstances.