Map 1. It wasn't 'Palestinian land' in 1947, it was British after we stole it from the Turks in WW1, the Turks had owned it since about 1500.
You don't steal land through armed conflict, you occupy it and get to administer it.
Something the Israelis need to learn.
The British Mnadate ended in May 1947, so the map is accurate prior to the partition.
John also posted a map of 1947 post partition, so he was being absolutely and academically accurate and genuine.
Map 2. Correct, what the UN offered Palestine to create their own state, they rejected it and decided instead to invade the newly formed state of Israel. Israel had accepted the UN's kind offer.
The Jews also rejected an alternative offer from the Palestinians that only Jews that were alredy there would be allowed to remain.
But eh Jews had a plan to immigrate Jews from around the world to create and bolster the state of Israel, which thye did, illegally, even before the British Mandate ended.
The UN gave away land that they didn't own and had no right to give away.
The UN does not and did not own any land.
Map 3. Correct, After the 1948 invasion, Israel held on to some land, fair enough, they won.
Map 4, correct, after the arabs invaded Israel again in 1967, the Israelis held on to some land, fair enough, they won.
You don't win, steal nor claim land by armed conflict.
You get to occupy it and administer it.
The Israelis have consistently ignored multiple UN resolutions to return the land.
So Israel kindly accepts UN resolutions when it suits, and ignores them when it suits.
Map 4 isn't quite accurate because Israel also captured the whole of Sinai, which they returned to Eqypt in 1982 after signing a peace treaty with them. Which just goes to show what can happen if you behave yourself.
You need to brush up on your geography.
The dividing line for Israel and the Sinia peninsula is nearly a verttical N-S line from Gaza to the tip of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Israel never returned Gaza to Egypt.
Israel demanded a heavy price for the return of the Sinai to Egypt- the recognition of the State of Israel.