Terrorism condemned

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What is your problem with that.
Rather than diverting this thread I'll start another.

In this thread I was just comparing the punsihment for abortion in Palestine ( 3 years in prison) to the punishment for the same 'offence' in Ireland (14 years)
Sillyboy thought the punsihment was being thrown off a building. Just another of his falsehoods spouted as fact.:rolleyes:
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Has @Roy Bloom being instructed also ?
Obviously now you’ve said that John, everyone will behave.
JohnD was obviously being facetious or sarcastic.
The criticism of Israel and its abhorrent practices has often been conflated with antisemitism, by those who want to reduce, deflect or prevent criticism of Israel.
Such people, who describe criticism of Israel as antisemitism, can't differentiate between discrimination of Jews, criticism of Israel and criticism of Zionists.
Many Israelis are not Jews, many Jews are not Israeli, Zionists are a fundamental religious-political party who dominate Israeli government.
Most Jews are not Zionists, many Zionists are not Israeli.
Eight out of ten British Jews identify as Zionist, says new poll
https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/eight...ws-identify-as-zionist-says-new-poll-vu3f391c )

Zionism is an ultra-right wing religious-political racist belief that Jews are the master race.

Long ago the UN declared Zionism to be racist:
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975, "Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination
which promulgated the principle that "international co-operation and peace require the achievement of national liberation and independence, the elimination of colonialism and neo-colonialism, foreign occupation, zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms, as well as the recognition of the dignity of peoples and their right to self-determination",

Many Jews intentionally conflate anti-zionism with antisemitism in order to prevent criticism of Israel:
Many in the Jewish community say the use of "Zionist" as a term of abuse reflects a rising tide of bigotry and racism directed at Jews.
The Labour peer Lord Levy told the BBC's Newsnight: "There can be criticism of the state of Israel, but anti-Semitism - using the word 'Zionist' as another form of anti-Semitism - frankly can no longer be tolerated."

And of course the Times of Israel echoes that argument, and offers a linguistic grammatical explanation :)rolleyes:):
it seems to me that the lack of this distinction enables anti-Semites to use the word Zionism for anti-Semitic propaganda.

Peter Beinart in the Guardian makes a far more eloquent argument than I would, that anti-zionism is not antisemtism:
Debunking the myth that anti-Zionism is antisemitic

The Anne Frank House also gives a reasonable explanation of the differences between antizionism, antisemtism and Israeli.
Nowadays, the word Zionist is often used as a swearword. As a negative label. Many Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause no longer distinguish between the words 'Jew', 'Israeli' and 'Zionist'. That is not correct.
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Pointing out Palestine is a Roman name is kind of redundant...a bit like saying Britannia is also Roman.
The Canaanites were there first.

And how is a system of government based upon a Stone Age Fire God valid in these modern times?
I mean, if i was to go round saying i was an Emperor based on the fact i'd caught a knife chucked at me by some watery aquatic bint, they'd lock me away!
Good boy, Have a gold star.

Maybe next year, in Jerusalem.

Pointing out Palestine is a Roman name is kind of redundant...a bit like saying Britannia is also Roman.
The Canaanites were there first.

OK, but at the time of the Canaanites migration, it was no more Palestine than it was Israel.
Maybe next year, in Jerusalem.

Is that the same Jerusaleml that is supposed to be an International city.
But Israel declared it to be in the state of Israel. Uunder the same UN resolution that you keep saying Israel accepted the UN resolution.
Evidently, Israel picked the bits of the resolution that it wanted, and ignored the bits it found inconvenient. That's not how UN resolutions work.
So Israel never has adopted the UN resolution 181.
The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States linked economically[2] and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Is Filly attempting to justify racism, ethnic cleansing and mass murder on historical grounds?
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