Texecom - connecting a sounder and speaker

based on 900mA not 9mA

403mA Full mode
278mA LC mode
148mA SCB

you will lose a lot of sound going from full to scb, however it will depend on the acoustics of where they are as to how loud its sounds to someone.

Place the louder option to the side of the property that is likely to draw the most attention.

You may get feedback, especially having two other units driven, remember the speaker- in the panel can only have one speaker of 16ohms or 2 of 8 ohms each wired to it.

I don't use the internal sounders you are referring to so I have to refer to the manuals, and don't know exactly how they will behave in your setup.
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Problem: I wired the Twin Alert as per advice:
12+ to bell 12v
0v to bell 0v
B to bell
SPK to Spk-

This now plays the sound of the alarm (loud!) but not the entry/exit tones. Is there an additional step that needs to be performed?
sorry @Handymanjo. I got that last message spectacularly wrong!
The Twin Alert is working absolutely fine. It plays the alarm and entry/exit tones.

The problem is the sounder I have installed on my landing as this doesn't blurt out the alarm sound. Here's the cabling on the CQR Alto Sounder

The manufacturer advised that I connect the ground (black) wire to the bell terminal and the #1 (red) wire to 12v. I've done this but without any effect.


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the above situation?
Try connecting the siren directly to a 12V source.
as per above, the red cable is connected into 12v. Are you suggesting that the black wire should go to 0v? This is currently wired to bell
Yes, just test it directly on a 12V supply to see if it is working
Have got a multimeter?
Take a reading between GND & #1 or #2 in ohms
If you get 16 ohms then it is a speaker and needs go go in the speaker output and not the bell output
ive not got a multimeter. will I blow a fuse or damage anything by trying?
you can get replacement fuses from Maplins if you did, not the cheapest place, but they are pretty much everywhere.
I switched the cable to speaker instead of bell but I still have nothing coming out of this speaker. The Twin Alert downstairs is pumping out the alarm sire and entry/exit tones. Any suggestions?
Did you try applying 12V directly to the sounder terminals as advised?

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