The Budget

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When talking about stamp duty and first time buyers, Gordon forgot to mention how hard it would be to buy somewhere for £120K in many parts of the country. I am curious how many this would actually benefit, certainly near me many 1 bed flats cost more than this.

I would think if stamp duty worked like income tax whereby the allowances carried over it would make more sense. What I mean is if you bought at say £150K, the first £120K should be exempt for all of them, then you pay it on the next £30K. Otherwise there is no benefit to first time buyers in the dearer area's, who also probably need it the most. But then I reckon crafty Gordon is well aware of this but likes the soundbites.
That's exactly what I thought when I heard it.

Its a bit obvious that he's trying to buy the pensioners vote as well. A £200.00 one off reduction in council tax. They must think we all came down in the last shower.
Not many pensioners pay the full council tax anyway and so they shouldn't. As for the stamp duty, who the hell does he think he is kidding. I do not believe this is going to affect anymore than 5% of property purchases!
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Lets not forget the eventual free pensioner bus fares too. I reckon he won't give the bus companies any money for this and they will load the normal fare to cover it.
One little probably insignificant thing, which made me think he was scratching around .. he mentioned how inflation was now 1.6 or 2% whereas it was blah, blah previously... Now then Butch, you used RPI for the value it 'was' and CPI for what inflation 'is' now ... incomparable, CPI has, since inception been lower than RPI, it does not include local taxes and housing costs ... came from Euroland ... Not confidence inspiring .. An accountant friend has been saying 'Butch has the tax rev wrong and we will pay..'
Is this the last stand for the couplet of Butch Brown and the SUNSET kid, whatever happens ? I think Butch has been a bit transparent, a lower majority would suite him, and leave him in his job ready to take over from Sunset .. I bet it never happens .. The course is nearly run ... All becoming a little 'old hat' and boring.. ;)
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!
kendor said:
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!

i to am confused kendor
he has given us a relativly ballanced budget not an electioneering budget :D :D ;)
i think he has done well compared with the tories
dont forget the tories sold most of the fammilie silver at knocked down prices and we are still paying the cost now
After all the years of double meanings and bull toilet it all becomes so tiresome ... Same old give with one hand, take with the other.
Let's have it as it is ... one bl##dy tax based upon income, end of story.
Anyway the crunch is to come with property revaluation ...

.. There is rapidly growing concern about the effect of the property revaluation and rebanding in Wales, which comes into effect from 1 April. Now that most Welsh Councils have announced their increases we know that one in every three households across Wales face massive increases in their Council Tax bills from next month.
"We were led to believe that the 'ups' would be balanced by the 'downs' in the Wales rebanding exercise. Now the cat is well and truly out of the bag!
"For every FOUR houses that have been moved up in the property bands, only ONE has moved down.
"Every household that has been moved up by just one band faces an increase of between 12% and 33% from 1 April based on Council announcements to date.
"Even worse, many houses in property hotspots have been moved up by two or three bands - for these people the increases are so high (some are over 70%) that the Welsh Assembly has instructed Councils to stagger them over 2 or 3 years!
"The people of Wales have been used as the guinea pigs for the revaluation and rebanding exercise, and many people who are already struggling to pay their Council Tax bills will now face even greater hardship as a consequence. How can we be expected to believe politicians who are telling us that fears of a similar effect from the revaluation in England and Scotland are unfounded?.....
No escape then, the Tories are making little of this, so perhaps looking at the income to fund their pledges ... At least the Liberals are pointing out the horror show about to unfold ... 'Help with council tax be bu##ered ..'.... We are between a rock and a hard place folks !!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
kendor said:
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!

No just some of the £2000 odd pound a year that they have taken in extra taxes since they have been in government.

We are a couple who are unable to have children and as such the labour government have done bu**er all for us except increase our taxes. I am now redundant and am expected to fund myself with my savings until I get another job, despite not having claimed unemployment benfit once in 25 years.

I think i will dye myself black, have a sex change, get divorced, and adopt half a dozen kids. That way I may get something. :evil:
So someone has 100,000 to spend on a house. Then the chancellor cuts taxes so now they have 105,000 to spend. So they can afford a house 5% bigger?

But everyone else has 5% extra to spend as well. All the other punters can go to the estate agent and say 'I've got 105,000 too. I will pay 105,000'. Result? House price goes up from 100,000 to 105,000.

No extra people get a house because this does not build any extra houses. There is only one way to deal with the shortage of houses. The shortage is what is pushing up prices. Build some more.
Damocles I think you have misunderstood what he means.

The facts are it will have little effect on prices because it is ONLY for first time buyers and not everybody as you said. In English that means if you buy your first home under £120K you don't pay stamp duty. You do on anything dearer or any further homes because you are only a first time buyer once. Plus we are talking 1% tops not 5%.

No extra people get a house because this does not build any extra houses. There is only one way to deal with the shortage of houses. The shortage is what is pushing up prices. Build some more.

We don't have to endlessly ruin our greenbelt. We could stop all the immigrants coming in instead. The Gov has admitted that it needs to build hundreds of thousands of houses down south just for these people. Most of these houses will be buy to let with the rent paid by DSS. This is what as been pushing up prices, because it is seen as a safe investment.
i wouldnt worry too much about THIS budget, its the next budget when whoever is in power has got to try and sort out the mess of all the borrowing that the governments done, which is due to come home to roost. A tory view, a liberal view, no the view of the cbi, centre for fiscal policy studies etc etc etc.

start stashing that cash under the matress! ;)
big-all said:
kendor said:
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!

i to am confused kendor
he has given us a relativly ballanced budget not an electioneering budget :D :D ;)
i think he has done well compared with the tories
dont forget the tories sold most of the fammilie silver at knocked down prices and we are still paying the cost now

Hello Big All

I dont vote anymore, but your statement hear about the Tories, well hold on, fairs fair---------I remember a Labour goverment who used billions of tax payers money to search find recover and distribute oil and gas from the north sea telling us all that WE would never have to pay a penny for our gas bills ever again-------CRAP

I remember Labour goverments wasting billions on dead business's like British Leyland etc to produce goods that they couldnt sell and then had to pay millions in rent to store the goods, then flog them for nothing to any third world country which they could con into having them

In reality, if we are going to slag anybody off for wasting and scaundering the British tax payers money, all other parties would be way way behind succesive Labour goverments including this one.
Here's one for you; How much is the state pension? I should know, i'm fast approaching it, but I think it's under £70 a week, payable to those who have paid into the fund all their working life .
If you are a youngster, who doesn't care for school, no worry, they are going to pay you up to £75 per week, just to go to where you were supposed to go in the first place , so you don't have to go out and get work - no doubt there will be an option for them to pay this back all their working lives.
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