The Budget

Well that is a point about Labour which never goes away, money and waste.

Their attitude has always been if theirs a problem just throw money at it and hope it goes away.

If you managed a company like that it would go under no problem, but Labour has always used the tax payer to keep funding its mad cap ideas and faliures----BUT THATS NOT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE, and i dont know how we let it get this way.

And Kender, you are correct except for one thing, we are supposed to be a democracy and the oldest democracy, but for a party to be able to govern the mass's with only 25% of the vote is not a democracy, and their answer is to say anybody who didnt vote is a vote for us. Well if you didnt vote then you didnt agree with who was there so Labours policy is NOT democratic and is basically illegal in a democracy. Infact if the last election was overseen by the United Nations it would have been declared void, as between the other parties they had more votes than Labour did, so you are ruled by a minority forcing their ideals on the mass's.
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Maybe a little off tack but useful to the aging poster :-
State pension ... Useful advice, you can get a forecast of your 'earned' state pension from The Pension service Newcastle.
I found it best to ring them on 0845 3000 168 8 til 8 Mon to Fri 9 til 1 sat, had an interesting chat to person on phone, also my 'forecast' took about a week through the post... Whereas takes much longer for inquiry by other methods.
The evaluation is / or was compiled in November. Such that enquiry mid Nov 2004 should get forecast based up 'til April 2004.
Ask if you may need to make 'voluntary contributions', in the case of early retirement ... useful to know !!
planenut said:
Here's one for you; How much is the state pension? I should know, i'm fast approaching it, but I think it's under £70 a week, payable to those who have paid into the fund all their working life .
If you are a youngster, who doesn't care for school, no worry, they are going to pay you up to £75 per week, just to go to where you were supposed to go in the first place , so you don't have to go out and get work - no doubt there will be an option for them to pay this back all their working lives.

As I have said before, I don't care what political leaning a newspaper has, so if you get the chance, check out page 17 of today's (Friday) Daily Mail.
What angers me is way in which important detail is left out ... for example 'Pensioners free bus passes' ... Already available across swathes of the country, his ideal is only local, Scotland I believe, has no 'local' restriction. .. And of course 'only at off-peak' periods ... Does that mean all councils now implement those rules ? If so then the Chancellor actually signalled a reduction in services ... by hailing an addition.
The worst part is this, we will fund best part of the 'new' service with it's restrictions via our Council Taxes.. but I bet we'll be paying for a full service for pensioners, ie whatever the bus company wants to charge, if not now then later, because Butch Brown has overdone the sweetener to councils by 'too many rules' Labour mess up yet again .... Third rate service, for the cost of first rate ...
Come on Voters get wise ... Frankie Howard isn't much better but at least a majority of one or two will see us through a few years without 'step changes' ....
I also think Mr Brown has become carried away with the success of Labour .. what gives him the idea that we see him as a viable PM ? ...Labour arrogance ... He is as charismatic as a Hoover washing machine .. including the spin !!
BTW 'Coppernob' the other Jock on the edge of the 'raj' ... he'll do away with council tax and impose local income tax .. we already have income 'kintax how many more do we need with the added cost of admin ..... let's all vote for Hilary Clinton .. we may as well !!
;) ;) ;)
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Freddie said:
Hello Big All

I dont vote anymore, but your statement hear about the Tories, well hold on, fairs fair---------I remember a Labour goverment who used billions of tax payers money .......

Ah yes but that was OLD labour!

I think gordon should chuck tony out as a bad bet and then he'll as PM win hands down.

Otherwise they'll have a tiny majority or, at worst, the tories will get in! And lets face it, who can blame the country after being conned so many times about the war.
why dont you vote. youve obviously got an opinion so why not make the effort and use it?
Thermo if you are referring to me, i dont vote any more simply because none of them talk any sense.

The only one who did say something sensible was Kilroy silk but he's a raving lunatic the rest of the time.

If you think i should vote to keep Labour from getting back in again, perhaps you are right,.
i remember when i was at college and the election was looming our head invited in 3 representatives from the local parties. we all listened had a bit of a debate etc. At the end the head stood up and said "youve heard what they have to say. some of you may agree with some of it, some of you with all of it, some with one of them, or more than one of them. You all now have the responsibility of voting in the forthcoming election. When you come to chose dont ask yourself which one do i agree with 100%, beacuse politics is not like that. You will never agree with a politician 100%. Ask yourself, which politician do i agree 51% with. Thats the one you should vote for"
I always thought that was very apt and true.

So fredie and loublou vote for someone, i dont care who, thats down to you, but dont waste your vote.
pipme said:
What angers me is way in which important detail is left out ... for example 'Pensioners free bus passes' ... Already available across swathes of the country
We don't get free passes round our way yet so this concession will be gratefully received round here.
Talking to the elderly locally i get the impression that they are all satisfied with the offerings from the budget.
Freddie said:
If you think i should vote to keep Labour from getting back in again, perhaps you are right,.
I think what they should do make everyone vote and have a "disagreed with all parties" box and that should worry them! Oh what happen if a disagreed party win :LOL:
masona said:
Freddie said:
If you think i should vote to keep Labour from getting back in again, perhaps you are right,.
I think what they should do make everyone vote and have a "disagreed with all parties" box and that should worry them! Oh what happen if a disagreed party win :LOL:

Then Thermo is our new PM :D :D
kendor said:
pipme said:
What angers me is way in which important detail is left out ... for example 'Pensioners free bus passes' ... Already available across swathes of the country
We don't get free passes round our way yet so this concession will be gratefully received round here.
Talking to the elderly locally i get the impression that they are all satisfied with the offerings from the budget.

I have also spoken to a few who think the bus pass is for 'anytime' not just 'off peak', that it is also for travel 'anywhere', not just local. And they thought the 'council tax £200 payment' was other than a one off .. and they did not know that there was a revaluation pilot carried out in wales, soon to be here regarding the CT.
Here is the best one .. note how it was mentioned 'winter fuel payments for pensioners' ? TIS FOR OVER 60'S And there is a claim form to be filled in see :-
if you know any 60's or over do ask if they in reciept of it !!
:D :D
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