heeelllooo freddie
there are always flaws with any goverment
the subsidies with red robbos factories was at least an attempt to keep people in work rather than scrounging off the state
the privatisation[which labour still do by the back door to some extent]is a deliberate attempt to convert our assets into a commodity which generates profiits and dividends which of course must come from somewhere
which means the social aspect off the services are forgotten in favour off the proffit
and usualy its the safety aspect thats reduced as thats the bit that costs the money
there are always flaws with any goverment
the subsidies with red robbos factories was at least an attempt to keep people in work rather than scrounging off the state
the privatisation[which labour still do by the back door to some extent]is a deliberate attempt to convert our assets into a commodity which generates profiits and dividends which of course must come from somewhere
which means the social aspect off the services are forgotten in favour off the proffit
and usualy its the safety aspect thats reduced as thats the bit that costs the money