The Budget

heeelllooo freddie :LOL: :LOL: ;)

there are always flaws with any goverment
the subsidies with red robbos factories was at least an attempt to keep people in work rather than scrounging off the state

the privatisation[which labour still do by the back door to some extent]is a deliberate attempt to convert our assets into a commodity which generates profiits and dividends which of course must come from somewhere
which means the social aspect off the services are forgotten in favour off the proffit

and usualy its the safety aspect thats reduced as thats the bit that costs the money
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nstreet said:
kendor said:
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!

No just some of the £2000 odd pound a year that they have taken in extra taxes since they have been in government.

We are a couple who are unable to have children and as such the labour government have done bu**er all for us except increase our taxes. I am now redundant and am expected to fund myself with my savings until I get another job, despite not having claimed unemployment benfit once in 25 years.
I think i will dye myself black, have a sex change, get divorced, and adopt half a dozen kids. That way I may get something. :evil:
that has always been the case whether under tory or labour rule, unfortunately you have been made redundant under this governments rule but that doesn't mean they are to blame for your predicament.
But what do you think redundancy money is for? to stick in the bank? it's to live on until you are back to work, so like myself in the eighties you have to go around and find work once made redundant not expect the government to subsidise you.
You really can't blame the government when it is your previous firm that made you redundant. It happens it's a way of life and you have to get over it and move on.
planenut said:
Here's one for you; How much is the state pension? I should know, i'm fast approaching it, but I think it's under £70 a week, payable to those who have paid into the fund all their working life .
If you are a youngster, who doesn't care for school, no worry, they are going to pay you up to £75 per week, just to go to where you were supposed to go in the first place , so you don't have to go out and get work - no doubt there will be an option for them to pay this back all their working lives.
Another argument without bearing to government performance, the pensions are linked to how many/much are/is paid out and longevity has made the system unworkable in recent times, successive governments have tried to stem the flow by outsourcing the pension into private schemes to offload the burden somewhat but unless we are all prepared to pay in more or look for a scheme elsewhere then there are unfortunately going to be a lot of people in trouble later on in their lives.
Don't forget you have all been warned over the years to prepare for retirement and if due to apathy or whatever you have insufficient provision put by then who can you really blame apart from yourself?
the payments you make today into the state pension are to support those retired now, that's how society works, we help subsidise those not earning wages anymore but for us to reap any benefit in the future we will have to make sure we provide for ourselves more as the subsidy will be less proportionately by the time the working generation of now retires.
big-all said:
heeelllooo freddie :LOL: :LOL: ;)

there are always flaws with any goverment
the subsidies with red robbos factories was at least an attempt to keep people in work rather than scrounging off the state

the privatisation[which labour still do by the back door to some extent]is a deliberate attempt to convert our assets into a commodity which generates profiits and dividends which of course must come from somewhere
which means the social aspect off the services are forgotten in favour off the proffit

and usualy its the safety aspect thats reduced as thats the bit that costs the money

Hello Big All

Of course there are flaws with all goverments, the problem lies with them being run by politicians, who are no good at anything else so end up there.

Labour was wrong to spend billions of OUR money with out OUR say so on keeping those redundant factories and business's going, it ended up costing more in the long run and was done for 2 reasons which were the Unions and because unemployment had gone through the roof.

It made us the laughing stock of Europe and delayed a recovery in the car business.

If you support the ideals of Labour, all well and fine, people could argue with you all night on who is the best party, but BAD policy's made by any party is BAD policy, and CRAP policy was done yesterday in the Budget which will acheive nothing and cost us all dear. Worst part about it was it wasnt policy, just a gimmick to try and safe guard a corrupt failed group of some of the worst politicians Britain has ever had in power.

At the end of the day, it doesnt matter who is in power as long as they do the right thing for us and not them or their chums. But this lot..............................................
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Freddie said:
just a gimmick to try and safe guard a corrupt failed group of some of the worst politicians Britain has ever had in power.

At the end of the day, it doesnt matter who is in power as long as they do the right thing for us and not them or their chums. But this lot..............................................
You must be talking about the last Tory government here, as the statement above is a script of what actually happened with them in power last time.
kendor said:
planenut said:
Here's one for you; How much is the state pension? I should know, i'm fast approaching it, but I think it's under £70 a week, payable to those who have paid into the fund all their working life .
If you are a youngster, who doesn't care for school, no worry, they are going to pay you up to £75 per week, just to go to where you were supposed to go in the first place , so you don't have to go out and get work - no doubt there will be an option for them to pay this back all their working lives.
Another argument without bearing to government performance, the pensions are linked to how many/much are/is paid out and longevity has made the system unworkable in recent times, successive governments have tried to stem the flow by outsourcing the pension into private schemes to offload the burden somewhat but unless we are all prepared to pay in more or look for a scheme elsewhere then there are unfortunately going to be a lot of people in trouble later on in their lives.
Don't forget you have all been warned over the years to prepare for retirement and if due to apathy or whatever you have insufficient provision put by then who can you really blame apart from yourself?
the payments you make today into the state pension are to support those retired now, that's how society works, we help subsidise those not earning wages anymore but for us to reap any benefit in the future we will have to make sure we provide for ourselves more as the subsidy will be less proportionately by the time the working generation of now retires.

NO company can take payments off .
kendor said:
Freddie said:
just a gimmick to try and safe guard a corrupt failed group of some of the worst politicians Britain has ever had in power.

At the end of the day, it doesnt matter who is in power as long as they do the right thing for us and not them or their chums. But this lot..............................................
You must be talking about the last Tory government here, as the statement above is a script of what actually happened with them in power last time.

And the present ones who are doing the same and taxing you to death at the same time
kendor said:
nstreet said:
kendor said:
some people are never happy :rolleyes: what do you want for him to give everyone a million squid??!!

No just some of the £2000 odd pound a year that they have taken in extra taxes since they have been in government.

We are a couple who are unable to have children and as such the labour government have done bu**er all for us except increase our taxes. I am now redundant and am expected to fund myself with my savings until I get another job, despite not having claimed unemployment benfit once in 25 years.
I think i will dye myself black, have a sex change, get divorced, and adopt half a dozen kids. That way I may get something. :evil:
that has always been the case whether under tory or labour rule, unfortunately you have been made redundant under this governments rule but that doesn't mean they are to blame for your predicament.
But what do you think redundancy money is for? to stick in the bank? it's to live on until you are back to work, so like myself in the eighties you have to go around and find work once made redundant not expect the government to subsidise you.
You really can't blame the government when it is your previous firm that made you redundant. It happens it's a way of life and you have to get over it and move on.

Agree with you except for a couple of points.

The goverment is supposed to be there to serve you and not the other way round,

The tax money you pay is supposed to be spent on running the country, if mor tax is taken for other things then you have the right to say what and where that tax is spent, and if you decide that the extra tax is needed to be spent in the way above then that should be your right as a tax payer.

Unfortunatley politicians see to it that your tax money is spent on them and their schemes. Bit like legalised fraud i think.
Tell me if i'm wrong but the whole point of voting in a government is for them to govern, to take control with our blessings, if we had to decide on all policy before it was put into action nothing would get done.
Running a country is no easy task, ask your mum! and the body you put into power has a mammoth task ahead of them, they will not please all the populace as different people wish different things and it's not possible to give everyone what they want and balance the books aswell.
But when listening to some on here they expect the government to give them what they want without care of attention to others as if they are the only ones living in this society. the structure is there to make it pallatible to living in a civil manner, that doesn't mean it will be perfect not by a long chalk. when it boils down to reality it's all about resources and demand and how those resources are shared amongst the people.
So if you are working then you must be deemed to be self supporting and pay likewise.
Fair enough comment that kendor, but I think it upsets people when they say one thing to get in power then do something completely different.

As regards budgets its not so much whether they give you something or not. It is more about them insulting your intelligence by trying to say they are when you can see through them. This time its stamp duty and pensioner council tax, they are pretending that millions of people will benefit when we know this just isn't the case.

Do you not think its time they treated us like adults with brains?

I am not singling out Labour here either, they are all as bad as each other for this.
Not asking for them to 'give' me anything, just stop - pause - have a moratorium on increases - for a while.
Stop and think through properly, the effects of 'step changes' to outgoings. .... We have been subject to the largest 'step' changes to outgoings that I can ever remember - and I try to keep abreast of these things.... I really think they should stop shovelling money - the age old problem of the 'academic' methodology, have checks and balances in place then fill up with dosh - all will come right - it doesn't !! Usually the 'checks and balances' are wrong, but no-one admits to this then 'smoke and mirrors' hide reality.
Health crisis for hospitals as huge debts hit services

Read here

Labour CANNOT control money - ever - They have thrown huge mountains of dosh ... Where has it gone ? Is nursing a job people clamour for ? Every £1 rise they get, some supernumery layers another requirement/responsibility upon them, they are not doctors, a really good nurse has skills beyond those defined in the book of rules ....
On the other hand are there GP's taking £100 per hour on night standby .. sometimes not called out ? Who in the private sector would pay £100 per hr for nothing ? ..
I bet GP's are holding the service to ransome.
pipme said:
Labour CANNOT control money - ever - They have thrown huge mountains of dosh ... Where has it gone ?
You're right, I always said Labour tax & spend policies doesn't work so in come the tories to try and cut the waste by Labour, merry go round again and we all suffer again. :cry:

“Eight years ago, Mr Blair said it would be ‘24 hours to save the NHS’, but today more than one in three hospitals is in deficit, resulting in closed wards and cancelled operations.”

Just has my 2nd operation private because the nhs can't help me yet so I paying twice :evil:
Hey Mas, better go back and get them to put your hands on the correct side next time ... :D :D :D :D :D :D ;)
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