As I understand it, any of us can report posts which we find offensive. I found woodbine's post particularly antisemitic, and extremely dangerous in its expression of suggesting or encouraging genocide, especially in its adoption of a reference to the attempt of extermination of Jews. I thought it was disgusting, radical, and smacked of extremism and violence. Maybe others do not agree. That is our difference of opinion.
When we report posts, it is not a democratic decision about whether they are deleted or not. It is a moderators duty to assess the post, and delete it if they think it is offensive, or to leave it, as they see fit.
I reported it. After that it is for the Mods to decide. They do not have to agree with me. It is their decision. I abide by their decision, Can you not do the same?
Similarly, if a poster cries out for another to be banned, perhaps because they keep losing the arguments, it is up to the Mods or Admin to decide whether to ban that poster. It is not, I assume, a democratic decision. If it were, we all know that the RWR would be voting to ban me and perhaps a couple of others. What good would that do? Leave the GD Forum to the extremism of the RWR?
You want Freedom of Speech, but you do not like it when you have it! But there are legal and social limits. IMO woodbine crossed both of those boundaries. If others want to insult and make up imaginary tales and fantasies about me, be prepared for some of your own medicine, and stop bleating when you receive it!
Start demonstrating a bit of adult responsible behaviour and stop acting like children in a playground!
Perhaps, if dodgeit has been reporting my posts, maybe the Mods decide that they have been no worse than anyone else's vile rantings.
Similarly, if I think a comment has crossed the boundary into illegality, I have the option of reporting it to whatever authority is appropriate. They then have the opportunity to assess, and make their decision. They do not have to agree with mine.
Finally, if you look at fag-end woodbine's quoted comment in his post, it is utterly obvious which group of people he was referring to, and to whom he is suggesting that genocide would be appropriate. That is especially disgusting, vile, and extreme!
Himaggin I think most of us here now have realised you have mental health problems and stay well clear of most of what you write. You need to sort your life out.