The first asylum seekers have arrived at a former RAF airbase.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Gnat isn't going to vote but sure likes to moan about things constantly. He wants others to do the hard work.
We've been here before. When challenged on what not voting would achieve he ran away without answering.
Like fu*k.
Totally changes the context. I wouldn’t even bother with them. They always bring threads down and numerous posters have called them trolls and bullies.

While only they call us trolls.
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You and your mate are the ones saying all I've got is hope. Your the ones living in hope that politicians will change, I'm well past living in hope they'll change and look on with a wry smile as people look to politicians to answer their 'prayers'
You and your mate are the ones saying all I've got is hope.
It is. You don't need to vote if you don't want to but no point moaning about what others vote for on your behalf.
Moan? Just pointing out the systems broke. It's not a moan it's stating the ble*din obvious.
You might have more relevance if you put up a defence of this first past the post system, instead of coming the smart ar*e taking posts out of context.
The reason the system doesn't work is because no effort has been put into it until very recently.

What's needed is change, re focus on what the voting public want.

Not voting or just voting for somebody that won't get into power but is just a protest will be wasted and we will just get more of the same
I'd be careful about that if i were you. The reasons Joe Public vote are many and varied and often sod all to do with anything other than their own bias, prejudice or spite. We may as well demand a vote on where taxpayer money is actually spent rather than handing the responsibility over to politicians who spaff it up a wall at the first chance they get to stay in a cushy job.
Maybe it's time for the Republic: had any good ideas lately?
You might have more relevance if you put up a defence of this first past the post system
Why should I?
Just pointing out the systems broke. It's not a moan it's stating the ble*din obvious
Yes, but you've chosen to opt out. If everyone voted we'd be more likely to get what the majority want. Again, that's up to you, but if you don't want to be a part of things then you'll get what others decide.
I've worked round what politicians have deemed best for us all my working life and will continue to comment on a system others might come to realize needs a overhaul.
I've said before the next election turnout will be very telling if the turnout drops below 55%
Do you put it on acting daft or does it come naturally?
What does a turnout of less than 55% suggest to you, everythings just tickerty boo.
What does a turnout of less than 55% suggest to you, everythings just tickerty boo
It suggest to me that more people should be voting and changing the system if that's what they want. Ducking out does no good whatsoever.
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