The Funeral

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I'll settle for the same sort of dignity being shown to her that she showed to the less fortunate....Finger - singular!

I really do not wish to see how low society has stooped.

Standards have dropped like a stone in this country since my childhood. You can put some of the blame for that on Thatchers precious market forces.
F C U K is one blatant example of private enterprise pushing back the boundaries of what's acceptable in the name of profit.
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Ellal treats all party politicians the same way - with contempt!

However a few deserve special 'mention'... :LOL:
I really do not wish to see how low society has stooped.

Standards have dropped like a stone in this country since my childhood. You can put some of the blame for that on Thatchers precious market forces.
F C U K is one blatant example of private enterprise pushing back the boundaries of what's acceptable in the name of profit.

:LOL: Is there anything you people won't blame on thatcher :LOL:
Torn between buying a bottle of Moet (too Yuppie, but it is the celebration drink) or real ale...think I'll go for ale as I can get more for me money... ;)
Actually protesting a funeral is pretty pointless really.

The target is hardly likely to hear the commotion being a bit brown bread and all that so what we really have is a load of sad , unhappy , losers , who have picked the politics of envy , called socialism and have chose the day to make a self pitying , pathetic , what about me? kind of childish spoilt foot stamping display of ignorance and ego.

I had a friend in the army who was an ardent socialist who was always wittering on about some new world order , come the revolution and all that kind of crap.

I pointed out to him at my at the time young tender years of 20 that it was only because the 'new world order' did not actually exist that he had the luxury of speaking his mind.
If the 'new world order' he so stupidly fantasised about did actually exist him and any other anti-establishment workshy whingers would be the first against the wall.

All the so called anti capitalist protesters today are similarly deluded and I find it quite ironic they rely on a capitalist society to exist.
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