The McStrike

That is missing the point.
No, it isn't.

The whole argument is that the Mirror are saying Green is super rich, his employees arent paid enough and get tax credits.
So, the tax payer is subsidising Green - or you think it acceptable that people should be paid less than that required to live.

What I am saying how much did they get paid?
I don't know but if they are entitled to benefits then it is obviously too little.
If they were paid the going rate, then all employers in that sector are under paying,
Ah you've got it. Yes, because they know the taxpayer will subsidise them.
therefore the problem is the system not Green.
Cicken and egg.

Do you know why the employees got tax credits? Maybe they were parents, working part time.
Maybe they were. Are you saying no full-time empoyees get benefit/tax credit?

Im sticking to my argument: the Mirror are using a blatant sensationalist interpretation for exaggeration, with facts conveniently omitted.
I believe Amazon are one of the worst payers. Perhaps they will improve when they make a profit.
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So in other words, what the Mirror posted wasnt true, Green wasnt paying his workers less than the going rate.

Does anybody know why notch keeps going on about The Mirror and the "going rate"?
No, it isn't

Yes, it it.

The Mirror is trying to make some sensationalist point about Green.

It could have been honest and said: 'workers in the retail sector dont earn enough'.

or you think it acceptable that people should be paid less than that required to live
How do know that is true, the Mirror didnt include any facts.

Given how many major players in the retail market have gone bust, do you think if employees had been paid a 'living wage', they would have been better off....or simply out of work.

I don't know but if they are entitled to benefits then it is obviously too little.
You will claiming next, it is wrong that people paying a lower rate of tax are being subsidised. Do you think they should be charged a higher rate of tax then?

Clearly you dont agree with tax a family with 3 children should get no more tax credit than a childless couple......

Or do you think an employer should pay a parent more than a single person, even if its for the same job......
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Look at it another way then -

What if there were no benefits or tax credits. Why do you think they were introduced?
Does anybody know why notch keeps going on about The Mirror and the "going rate"?

Simple. Does it state what they were being paid?

Does it state if Green paid less than other employers in the same retail sector?

If the answer is no, then what do you think they were paid.

Do tell me, why didnt the Mirror say:

Workers in the retail sector dont earn enough to live.
Philip Greene owns a big yacht.
Does it state what they were being paid?

Perhaps you should show us your copy of the Daily Mirror. You seem to be the only one who's seen it. And you keep ranting at nobody but yourself.

Look at it another way then -

What if there were no benefits or tax credits. Why do you think they were introduced?

It still has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I was making.

Which was quite simply that the Mirror was implying Philip Green paid his workers so badly they couldnt afford to live.

The implication was that he specifically paid his workers so badly.

A logical question is: was he paying his workers less than the average in that sector. If he was paying 'the going rate' then the problem is a system wide problem not restricted to Philip Green.

Let me ask you: if you ran a company, would you pay, lets say 50% more than the going rate? How would that business model work? Would it be successful?
Perhaps you should show us your copy of the Daily Mirror. You seem to be the only one who's seen it. And you keep ranting at nobody but yourself.

Ah bless JohnD has nothing useful to say. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Still thats what you get when you post an article that includes no relevant facts :ROFLMAO:
Perhaps you should show us your copy of the Daily Mirror. You seem to be the only one who's seen it. And you keep ranting at nobody but yourself.

No he is not I saw it

U do know that the The mirror is the daily mirror it's a newspaper u can buy it at various retail out lets
It still has nothing whatsoever to do with the point I was making.
Which was quite simply that the Mirror was implying Philip Green paid his workers so badly they couldnt afford to live.
If the Conservative Government thinks the wages need topping-up then I would say that is probably true.

The implication was that he specifically paid his workers so badly.
Is it true.

A logical question is: was he paying his workers less than the average in that sector. If he was paying 'the going rate' then the problem is a system wide problem not restricted to Philip Green.
Ok. That is probably the case.

Let me ask you: if you ran a company, would you pay, lets say 50% more than the going rate? How would that business model work? Would it be successful?
I'm not sure what this 'going rate' is.
Is it the minimum wage? Without which he would likely be paying less.

Maybe he could pay the minimum wage and have a profit sharing scheme.
Maybe the workers could put their earnings in their wives' names who live in Monaco (although obviously if they don't earn enough to pay tax, not very helpful).

Do you think Amazon should pay more than the minimum wage?
Or is it your universal belief that all companies should pay as little as they can get away with?
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