The NHS does not belong to doctors.

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Thats £19-24k thats more than you contribute in taxes, so are you a scrounger?
It’s not just income tax that pays for things you know! I pay income tax, corporation tax, council tax, Value added tax, road tax, personal national insurance, company national insurance, fuel duty, business rates and probably a few more I can't think of right now.

A 64 year old friend of ours was in terrible pain and had been in pain for 18 months as she needed a hip operation. The national health waiting list was too long so only last week she went and had it done privately. It cost her £12.5k. Luckily for her, she could afford it but many can’t. Some apologist on here said that health tourists 'only' cost the NHS 0.3% of their budget. That’s still over £200 million pounds. That’s a ****ing lot of hip operations for our old folks that have paid into it all their lives. Still, as long as young Georhge or Ekram or Babatunde can come over, get their hepatitis or Aids treated for the price of an easyJet flight, who are we to deny them? :cautious:
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It’s not just income tax that pays for things you know! I pay income tax, corporation tax, council tax, Value added tax, road tax, personal national insurance, company national insurance, fuel duty, business rates and probably a few more I can't think of right now.

As do we all. Except tax-dodgers and fraudsters, some of whom you may recall I've mentioned before.

You can't claim credit for that.
A 64 year old friend of ours was in terrible pain and had been in pain for 18 months as she needed a hip operation. The national health waiting list was too long

As you say, older people need more healthcare, and we have a population that is aging.

So demands on health services are increasing, and this is mostly due to our aging population

It's lucky that there are still (a reducing number of) foreigners who are willing to come to UK and prop up our heath cand care services, even though they pay more in tax and NI than they get out, and are penalised with an NHS surcharge on top, if they are not EU citizens.

Now that they are being made increasingly unwelcome, and nobody knows how they will be treated if and when some kind of Brexit eventually happens, you are aware that more of them are going home than are coming here. So our health and care services are even more shortstaffed, and waiting lists go up. Did I see you blaming the Quitters for that? No, I didn't.

I wonder who is to blame for the NHS being underfunded?

I'm sure I know, it's on the tip of my tongue....
I wonder who is to blame for the NHS being underfunded?

I'm sure I know, it's on the tip of my tongue....
Ooh Ooh, please sir...

It's got to be the EU...

I know that's true because a bunch of rich racist bar stewards told me it's true...
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