It was not meant maliciously but cheekily.
I was getting flippant and yes, my later post about watching paint dry was taking the mickey.
I was saying to the mod , hey, you made the decision and if you cant stand the heat of making it then get out the kitchen!
Except it isnt my kitchen is it and I got booted/deleted out instead.
( hear me out please mod as this is only fair, Im not being unreasonable or abusive here... Im defending myself as I feel like I have been made to come across as either abusive/ overly dirty/ vindictive or racist or whatever, having so much of my stuff deleted. I was never any of these things and I feel that I was used as a scapegoat.)
The comment about crown jewels was childish retaliation.
I had said that I felt the mod was being sexist too me so I was sexist back.
There has already being posts about small people and we have all heard of small man syndrome.
And we all know the jokes about men with small parts having large sports cars or lots of power etc.
So, despite this whole recent episode being dealt with in the fashion of sledge hammer to crack nut, I am not a bad woman.
I am just sad the whole thing happened from start to finish as I feel that a simple innoffensive post seems to have escalated into something unpleasant.
Im not sure what the shift here is about but I wont be used as a scapegoat to get the site cleaned up.
Mod, its how you have made me feel, intended or not.
It was not meant maliciously but cheekily.
I was getting flippant and yes, my later post about watching paint dry was taking the mickey.
I was saying to the mod , hey, you made the decision and if you cant stand the heat of making it then get out the kitchen!
Except it isnt my kitchen is it and I got booted/deleted out instead.
( hear me out please mod as this is only fair, Im not being unreasonable or abusive here... Im defending myself as I feel like I have been made to come across as either abusive/ overly dirty/ vindictive or racist or whatever, having so much of my stuff deleted. I was never any of these things and I feel that I was used as a scapegoat.)
The comment about crown jewels was childish retaliation.
I had said that I felt the mod was being sexist too me so I was sexist back.
There has already being posts about small people and we have all heard of small man syndrome.
And we all know the jokes about men with small parts having large sports cars or lots of power etc.
So, despite this whole recent episode being dealt with in the fashion of sledge hammer to crack nut, I am not a bad woman.
I am just sad the whole thing happened from start to finish as I feel that a simple innoffensive post seems to have escalated into something unpleasant.
Im not sure what the shift here is about but I wont be used as a scapegoat to get the site cleaned up.
Mod, its how you have made me feel, intended or not.