The REAL problem with the economy.

The one's I really feel sorry for are the rural unemployed. My mother used to work at a North Yorkshire CAB. She had one chap in, who was obviously struggling on JSA after he lost his Job (agriculture). In particular, he couldn't attend JC interviews as there was no bus service and he had no car, the nearest JC being about 30+ miles away, even biking would be a bit much! That coupled with no local amenities, no broadband access, shops etc meant he was in a very precarious position, even getting his JSA was a struggle, as it's paid direct into your bank account!

Don't know what happened to him but it must have been tough. Even in places where I live, which although rural is not remote, being unemployed is pretty bleak as there is absolutely bog all to do with a 5 mile walk or bike ride to the nearest town. they're are 2 pubs, but on £62.50 per week, that ain't gonna go far. I know some people seem to get huge amount of benefits, but if your a single male in a rural area, life is gonna be tough and desperately boring / depressing.

Then there is the motivation.
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There's motivation and there's motivation. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is a lot lot harder.
There's motivation and there's motivation. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is a lot lot harder.

I agree...but what is the alternative? Let someone else pay for them for the rest of their life? I'd advise them to save a bit of cash and move.

This is one of the most common 'problems'. There are no jobs here! then move.
I wake up with cluster headaches everyday, and if you've had one, you'll know you will never want another.

Reason, stressed out looking and trawling through same jobs, which when applied for you never hear a word.

The reason I am on JSA for so long is partly this phenomenon.

If I take up a temporaray job say for one week and earn 200 quid, the JC will cut my benefit to the last time I signed on, this info goes to the council who end up charging me 1 months council tax instead of 1 weeks, no matter how badly you contest it and how much proof you give them, they wont have it.
So out of this 200 quid I get, 110 roughly goes on council tax, leaves me 90, of which I have to pay back money borrowed for petrol and lunch etc, and then there are the usual bills I have to pay,
Which leaves me with faak all, so why should I even bother taking up a temporary job even as a Labourer, I am better off staying on JSA until something more permenant comes along.

And people like skitzee think we are all comfortable on benefits, and we could survive with a few quid less, Skitzee with all due respect I think you need a good kick up the backside, prefereably by someone like me who will get immense pleasure from it....and even more pleasure from seeing you unable to work.
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There are supposed to be 6 million or so people who are not in employment, are there six million job vacancies in the economy.
There are supposed to be 6 million or so people who are not in employment, are there six million job vacancies in the economy.

This nice, and the reason were are all screwed for a job is this.

1. Half those advertised have been taken, only people are too lazy to take them off the post
2. 50% of them are temp some less than a week
3. A huge majority want someone with pin point experience, and who are working when they are applying
4. And an even huger majority will not even get back to you
You ask WHY should people pull their own weight when they get paid just as much not to. Self respect. You should TRY and get some.
Skitzee, this may seem alien to you but before I was on JSA, I use to be a Sales Co-ordinator for home automation and control system company, and on a high salary, I have paid more than 40k In taxes in that one job, forget the rest, I am not being paid by the JC to sit on my backside, and frankly I don't like sitting all day.

And yes Self respect is something I adore aswell, and believe me I am doing all I can, hence my headaches. I am worse off on JSA and with no income, it's humiliating toddling along to the job centre every two weeks, so dont you dare tell me about self respect sunshine. Like I said before I don't see a penny of my JSA, so for me there is no incentive really to stay on it.

Maybe you could suggest a way for me, and not volunteering as I have commitments and need an income.
Mass immigration and greedy bankers have wrecked the economy, the unemployed are a symptom and not the cause of the state we are in.
Thanks for your interest in our data entry positions,

These positions will be home-based and you will be paid anything up to £75 for each survey you take. If this sounds like a position you would be interested in taking, visit our site at

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Pauline Welsh

click on the link and you will see half the jobs are buuulshit, this is just one I applied for day before last, why do they even let people like this advertise these as Data Entry jobs
The benefits sytem needs a huge overhaul to make it more sensible. As it stands there is no incentive for people to go to work and you get penalised if you do try to find a job. I'm currently in a job that if I accepted a payrise i'd actually be worse off than I am now?!! The government should be encouraging people to better themselves, not punishing them for it!
People on benefits should be given food vouchers and travel passes to get them to potential interviews. On these food vouchers they should have terms and conditions that deny the ability to buy cigarettes, alcohol or other non essential items. To have people out there earning more than myself that sit on their ass all day is a joke frankly. Where is the morals of these dole sponging workshy idiots? I have a family to support, if I lost my job tomorrow i'd spend all day and night out there trying to guarentee that my family has a roof over there heads. Even if I didn't find anything I still wouldn't be happy to stay on JSA or receive benefits long term. Where is the initiative? There is always a way of making money, even if it included washing people cars or cutting peoples grass etc. People need to multiskill insteadof holding out for that job that fits their standards. I know this isn't a black and white solution but it's a step in the right direction. As mentioned earlier, people on the dole should be made to perform community services such as picking up litter, cleaning up graffiti etc so they are doing something positive in return for their money.
People like to feel hard done by and go on as if they couldn't possibly survive but this is rubbish in my opinion. We can all save money if we need to, yes this may lead to cancelling your sky contract, getting shot of your contract phone, downgrading your vehicle, walking more often to save on fuel etc, people are just too bloody lazy.

Times are tough but moaning about it won't get you a job any quicker, the benefits system is ridiculous and yes there are greedy bankers and politicians compounding the economic problems of our country but there is nothing you can do about it! just get on with your life and find another job, excuses won't pay the bills.
Before the advent of mass internet and computers, I could walk into a agency, and gurantee to walk out with a job starting next monday, but now with all this technology, the first thing they will ask is to send in your CV before they even meet you, and then never get back to you, or ask you to search the website, again once applied for you never hear back, when enquiring, they say it's been filled, the urge to tell them your minds thought is very tempting least self control is a disciplin which is well trained when out of work.

I tell you lot one thing when I get back into frame, I will do everything I can to help other poeple.
Kamal, this is easier said than done. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I am not holding my hopes up for that perfect job with pounds of respect, I just applied by telepohone for a warehouse assistants job, I will be lucky if I hear from them ever again, never the less I will contact them again in an hour or so.

And as said previously I currently do not get to spend any of my benefit not on personal things anyway, as it all goes on my bills. Not even a sandwhich I get to buy with my JSA.
Hello shifty22! you haven't posted since schizo2K nearly got slung off the forum.

It's a funny old world.

How is Kent?? How is the tiling trade?

Should I put you on ignore now, or later?
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