When Putin says it's not the state he could be correct. It might be a member of his state going awol or it's people being used by some one else. It might be like a plane being shot down, some one did it and it might not have been a Russian. It might even have been some one that wanted to be a Russian rather than being ruled by some lot that took power via a coup. There are lots of might be. One term that is often used is Russian this and that was used. It's never surprising where the weaponry comes from but it's no indication of who is using it. There are dastardly lots using western weapons in places but that's ok.
His palace is obviously a 3D rendering and what sort of places to leaders use - impressive ones.

It looks like one to me anyway. Our lot arrange lunches with the queen etc.
Putin's problem is the usual one politicians get. People expect changes that don't happen. It's a fact that in many cases they can't for all sorts of reasons. Ideology also means the west will stir if it can and also the other way round. Even include China in that.
Capitalist communism creates some very rich people in a controlled society. Getting very rich often involves being a bit bent. I went on a whistle-stop tour of the Baltic a couple of years ago and the people appeared to be doing ok to me as did ex satellites.

At the moment as now western. Moans in Scandinavia much like here but also ok in real terms.
One thing I noticed was how the Russian demo's are being handled. Interesting to compare with Paris and some others that have happened in Europe that eventually turn into riots. Some get locked up etc though out the process just about everywhere if numbers build up.