The Russians

I just find it so bizarre that a country can't investigate the use of a chemical weapon in it's own country, but will arrest and jail someone for getting treatment from the use of that chemical weapon.

That's just south American despot dictator stuff right there.
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IMHO some in here may have been covertly groomed by Russians on social media :idea:

they look for those who display an anti UK stance and can be easily led by fake news and propaganda

for example

Bob daz aka him er gin
And a few others who fit the Russians narrative of easily lead fruit cakes :LOL:

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IMHO some in here may have been covertly groomed by Russians on social media :idea:

they look for those who display an anti UK stance and can be easily led by fake news and propaganda

for example

Bob daz aka him er gin
And a few others who fit the Russians narrative of easily lead fruit cakes :LOL:

Or Vinty, who seems to have swallowed Russia Today whole.
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Or Vinty, who seems to have swallowed Russia Today whole.
RT is the mirror image of the BBC, you won't get a positive story about the UK from RT same as you won't get a positive story about Russia from the BBC.
That is how propaganda works, the media put countries like Russia on trial for their behavior but only witnesses for the prosecution are allowed to give evidence.
IMHO some in here may have been covertly groomed by Russians on social media :idea:
You mean the ones that actively promote social disorder, anarchy and chaos, by trotting out endless fake stories to suit their xenophobic narrative?
When Putin says it's not the state he could be correct. It might be a member of his state going awol or it's people being used by some one else. It might be like a plane being shot down, some one did it and it might not have been a Russian. It might even have been some one that wanted to be a Russian rather than being ruled by some lot that took power via a coup. There are lots of might be. One term that is often used is Russian this and that was used. It's never surprising where the weaponry comes from but it's no indication of who is using it. There are dastardly lots using western weapons in places but that's ok.

His palace is obviously a 3D rendering and what sort of places do leaders use - impressive ones. ;) It looks like one to me anyway. Our lot arrange lunches with the queen etc.

Putin's problem is the usual one politicians get. People expect changes that don't happen. It's a fact that in many cases they can't for all sorts of reasons. Ideology also means the west will stir if it can and also the other way round. Even include China in that.

Capitalist communism creates some very rich people in a controlled society. Getting very rich often involves being a bit bent. I went on a whistle-stop tour of the Baltic a couple of years ago and the people appeared to be doing ok to me as did ex satellites. ;) At the moment as now western. Moans in Scandinavia much like here but also ok in real terms.

One thing I noticed was how the Russian demo's are being handled. Interesting to compare with Paris and some others that have happened in Europe that eventually turn into riots. Some get locked up etc though out the process just about everywhere if numbers build up.
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When Putin says it's not the state he could be correct. It might be a member of his state going awol or it's people being used by some one else. It might be like a plane being shot down, some one did it and it might not have been a Russian. It might even have been some one that wanted to be a Russian rather than being ruled by some lot that took power via a coup. There are lots of might be. One term that is often used is Russian this and that was used. It's never surprising where the weaponry comes from but it's no indication of who is using it. There are dastardly lots using western weapons in places but that's ok.

His palace is obviously a 3D rendering and what sort of places to leaders use - impressive ones. ;) It looks like one to me anyway. Our lot arrange lunches with the queen etc.

Putin's problem is the usual one politicians get. People expect changes that don't happen. It's a fact that in many cases they can't for all sorts of reasons. Ideology also means the west will stir if it can and also the other way round. Even include China in that.

Capitalist communism creates some very rich people in a controlled society. Getting very rich often involves being a bit bent. I went on a whistle-stop tour of the Baltic a couple of years ago and the people appeared to be doing ok to me as did ex satellites. ;) At the moment as now western. Moans in Scandinavia much like here but also ok in real terms.

One thing I noticed was how the Russian demo's are being handled. Interesting to compare with Paris and some others that have happened in Europe that eventually turn into riots. Some get locked up etc though out the process just about everywhere if numbers build up.

Russia is not communist and does not have a "capitalist communism" system.

Its state capitalism at best, but more like a Dictatorship with faux-democracy. Just like the old states that declared themselves "Democratic Republic of ...", Russia is run my one man, supported by cronies and the entire legislative controls the state, the courts, the business, the economy. The wealth of the state is handed out to a select few of the cronies, who in turn prop up the state.

As for the demos, it seems that there are "quotas" for the police to achieve in the number of arrests, just like the old days. No reason for arrest, just a number to be achieved to satisfy the leadership. They have actually detained more people than they know what to do with or have space for.

Having said that, when you see the likes of the BLM 'protests', the ECO London 'protests' and the storming of airport and airplane 'protest', I do wonder if Russian policing should be employed here.
Capitalist communism creates some very rich people in a controlled society
Capitalism communism,state Capitalism or as the Chinese call it Market Socialism.
This system has lifted 100's of millions of people out of poverty, maybe people would be feel safer if Russia and China returned to hard core communism and the cold war.
Why all the shock and horror about the revelation that politicians in Russia accept money from crooks and have big houses that they don't want the public to know about.
Thank goodness we live in country where politicians are whiter than white and would never dream of telling lies to start foreign wars or take money from foreign crooks.
Navelny given a 3 1/2 year sentence for violating his bail conditions because he was abroad getting life-saving treatment for the poisoning by Putin's minions. You could not make it up.
Capitalism communism,state Capitalism or as the Chinese call it Market Socialism.

The Russian version does seem to differ from the Chinese one to some extent but all communist type countries seem to be doing the same thing - using capitalism in a different way. When interviewed which hasn't happened often they reckon they will win. Given China's advantages they could be right.
This bloke Navalny was originally a right wing populist who got into trouble for making racist statements about muslims and immigrants.
Since then he has reinvented himself as the Russian Nelson Mandela, his sponsors include exiled billionaire oligarchs who looted the Russian economy after the fall of the Soviet Union.
The Western media and political establishment operate on the principle of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' that is why they have elevated this guy to the status of political martyr.
This bloke Navalny was originally a right wing populist who got into trouble for making racist statements about muslims and immigrants.
Since then he has reinvented himself as the Russian Nelson Mandela, his sponsors include exiled billionaire oligarchs who looted the Russian economy after the fall of the Soviet Union.
The Western media and political establishment operate on the principle of 'my enemy's enemy is my friend' that is why they have elevated this guy to the status of political martyr.
There's a world of difference between populist, and a people's representative. He has always been anti-corruption.
It is true that he appeared to have been found guilty of crimes of embezzlement, but EU, and others within Russia (including Gorbachev) consider them to be politically motivated convictions to stop him being eligible for political positions.
It is also true that he did harbour nationalistic preferences, and may still do so. He nay even still have concerns about different religions. But he is only 44 years old, and has come a long way in his 'wokeness', only recently speaking out in support of BLM.
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