The Solar System in which Earth belongs

joe-90 said:
crafty1289 said:
ok, do orbits ever change plane? is there such an orbit where the plane of the orbit "rotates"? I was reading this thread and suddenly thought, what if orbits change and collisions between planets occur? :confused: :eek:

It's a bsic rule of science that nothing will change unless something makes it change. What could make the earth move? :oops: ;)

There is some law of gravity that says planets cannot bump into each other anyway, they gravitational forces would destroy the smaller one. (so I've read).

one of newtons laws i think - conservation of energy, the amount of energy present in the universe is a constant, and will never change. Everything will move at a constant velocity unless a force is applied to it to cause acceleration. Velocity and acceleration can be described in 3 dimensions using vector notation.

However, i was not referring to changing its orbit, i was referring to the orbit of the planet changing, say, every cycle, so that its plane of orbit changes by 5 degrees or something every cycle, but it does this naturally every cycle. Does this happen? or does the orbit always happen on the same plane with relation to the other planes?
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joe-90 said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
HI NOT according to my scorces there could be an inpact with one of jupiters moons and jupiter in the near future the recent impacts with the comet caused jupitar to slightly shift to one side causing a magnetic pull
to one of the moons which will take years for the effect to be seen.
it wont be a fast impact but a very slow one which could take up to 50 years before impact so i would not worry if i wear you.

What a load of cobblers. Jupiter is a gas giant. It's been mopping up the solar system's debris for years.

can't see the problem with Bob's post there joe? you obviously missed the impacts from shoemaker-levy?
joe-90 said:
crafty1289 said:
ok, do orbits ever change plane? is there such an orbit where the plane of the orbit "rotates"? I was reading this thread and suddenly thought, what if orbits change and collisions between planets occur? :confused: :eek:

It's a bsic rule of science that nothing will change unless something makes it change. What could make the earth move? :oops: ;)

There is some law of gravity that says planets cannot bump into each other anyway, they gravitational forces would destroy the smaller one. (so I've read).
again your argument is flawed! the general concensus is that the planets were formed by collisions and who really knows if the status quo has been achieved yet?
Miniscule changes could be occuring as we speak, certainly the earths axis has changed in recent times(speaking in a planetry evolution relative way). Chaotic theory suggests that miniscule changes can lead to major changes, the universe is still evolving or about to collapse depending on what viewpoint you subscribe to so to think that all is hunky dory in our solar system is to have a blinkered view of what is occurring.
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kendor said:
joe-90 said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
HI NOT according to my scorces there could be an inpact with one of jupiters moons and jupiter in the near future the recent impacts with the comet caused jupitar to slightly shift to one side causing a magnetic pull
to one of the moons which will take years for the effect to be seen.
it wont be a fast impact but a very slow one which could take up to 50 years before impact so i would not worry if i wear you.

What a load of cobblers. Jupiter is a gas giant. It's been mopping up the solar system's debris for years.

can't see the problem with Bob's post there joe? you obviously missed the impacts from shoemaker-levy?

I saw it but it won't affect a body as large as Jupiter.

All of the major planets in the Solar system orbit the Sun at varying angles to the plane of the system, which is defined by the Solar Equator, although in the popular press the plane of Earth's orbit is often used as a reference point. Here is some information for you..

Mercury = 7.004 degrees
Venus = 3.394 degrees
Earth/Moon = 0.013 degrees
Mars = 1.850 degrees
Jupiter = 1.308 degrees
Saturn = 2.488 degrees
Uranus = 0.774 degrees
Neptune = 1.774 degrees
Pluto = 17.148 degrees

Regarding planets isn't gonna happen. All of the major planets are in stable orbits and therefors their orbits cannot change enough for the planets to come anywhere near each other. All the orbits do suffer a thing called precession, this is caused by a combination of factors but basically it causes the closest (perihelion) and furthest (aphelion) points of the planets orbit about the Sun to move about it's orbit. Further the eccentricity of the orbit, which is the amount that the orbit differs from a true circle, alters by very small amounts over geological time. Other effects also cause many of the planets to wobble on their axis over many thousands of years, and in fact several even alter their axial inclination over mnay thousand years..including Earth.

In an extreme case, such as a passing star coming close to the solar, within a light year, it's gravitational effects could then have a disasterous effect on the objects in the outer solar system, such as Sedna and Quaoar, causing their orbits ot either degrade, thus sending them into the inner part of nthe system, or even to be ejected from the system entirely.

Large planets are unlikely to collide, due to gravity, however it is possible if the orbital characteristics of them are capable of overcoming the natural effects of gravity. In the early histoiry of the solar system a planet about the size of Mars collided with the Proto-Earth, which was actually slightly larger than Earth of today, this collision resulted in the formation of the Moon.

The theory implies that the proto-Earth and this other planet formed within 500,000km of each other and may even have been co-orbital before the impact. As the early solar system continued to evolve, their orbits changed over about 200 million years until they had enough orbital velocity to overcome the normal gravitational interactions that would occur and prevent them from colliding. We know this had to be a high speed collision as the larger mass of the Proto-Earth would have torn apart any smaller body that came too close at low speed otherwise.

Regarding BOB's post..bollony...the mass, even when whole, of Shoemaker-Levy-9 is so insignificant when compared to even that of Earth, let alone Jupiter, that it's only effects would have been on the atmosphere of the planet. It would not alter Jupiters orbit, alter is gravitational or magnetic moments and certainly not have any effect of bodies orbiting Jupiter as it did not impact them.

There are bodies about Jupiter that are in degrading orbits, such as lowly Amalthea and a number of the outermost satellites that are simply captured asteroids and P/cometary nuclei, however these are not likely to impact Jupiter. They are currently outside the Roche Limit, and their orbital speed is so low that as they cross it they will be torn to pieces by Jupiter's gravitiy and thus adding to the ring of debris that orbit the planet just inside and outside the roche limit. This is the same process that caused the rings of Uranus and the ring-arcs of Neptune, and most spectacularly, the Rings of Saturn.
Regarding BOB's post..bollony...the mass, even when whole, of Shoemaker-Levy-9 is so insignificant when compared to even that of Earth, let alone Jupiter, that it's only effects would have been on the atmosphere of the planet. It would not alter Jupiters orbit, alter is gravitational or magnetic moments and certainly not have any effect of bodies orbiting Jupiter as it did not impact them.

There are bodies about Jupiter that are in degrading orbits, such as lowly Amalthea and a number of the outermost satellites that are simply captured asteroids and P/cometary nuclei, however these are not likely to impact Jupiter. They are currently outside the Roche Limit, and their orbital speed is so low that as they cross it they will be torn to pieces by Jupiter's gravitiy and thus adding to the ring of debris that orbit the planet just inside and outside the roche limit. This is the same process that caused the rings of Uranus and the ring-arcs of Neptune, and most spectacularly, the Rings of Saturn.

ABSOLUTE poppycock everything you know is told to you by astrophisisist who talk bo..lacks half the time and
things you have read in books, there are quite a few things going on at the moment in are solar system which laid back smug people like you dont have a clue about, your another tongue waggler trying to impress people with your knoledge about the universe and to be honest you yourself havent a clue.
B.O.B DOLE said:
ABSOLUTE poppycock everything you know is told to you by astrophisisist who talk bo..lacks half the time and
things you have read in books, there are quite a few things going on at the moment in are solar system which laid back smug people like you dont have a clue about, your another tongue waggler trying to impress people with your knoledge about the universe and to be honest you yourself havent a clue.

Thanks for the insult ...People like you make me realise just how normal the rest of us are...You believe this rubbish you spout when you know nothing about the subject.

If you know different that would mean your an astrophysicist or a related researcher..therefore by your own statement your talking hairy testicles.

It's not about being smug you freaky fool, it's about answering the question that was aksed by the thread starter in as clear and accurate way that I am able too...If you disagree with that point of view, fine, but avoid starting an insult is not necessary...
You believe this rubbish you spout when you know nothing about the subject

so MR celver bollacks since you HAVE SPENT A LOT OF TIME IN THE LIBARY studying this topic like the rest of these so called educated pricks
its a pitty you knew nothing of hail bob did you
It's HALE-BOPP not hail bob...

And HALE-BOPP has no bearing on this discussion..
Big_Spark said:
It's HALE-BOPP not hail bob...

And HALE-BOPP has no bearing on this discussion..

shows how much you know its hail bop
Chains are being pulled, yet again .... :eek:
empip said:
Chains are being pulled, yet again .... :eek:

No they are not, BOB is too stupid to know how..I'll lay odds he's from Tiptree.. :LOL:
OK SPACE MEN :LOL: question 4 u's what is the farthest object visible with the naked eye? post answer later if nobody gets it. ps, got imformation from guinness world records brain teasing quiz book. so if wrong don't blame me :LOL:
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