As for the whatifery, what if you catch covid and die?
I don't mind.
I too have to die one day and I'm gonna break bad news for you: you too will die!
So instead of living your life trying to avoid the inevitable, just live.
You are desperately looking for reasons not to have the jab, where there are none! Would you rather that thousands/millions died while we take time out to do long term testing? That is what you are basically doing in your own small way - you are leaving it to others to take the 'risk' of having the vaccine, whilst you wait to see if there are any ill effects - rather selfish don't you think.
No, I don't think so. In fact, the vaccinated should be feeling safe and feel sorry for me.
I will be the one catching the deadly virus, differently from the vaccinated.
Unless you tell me that the vaccine does not work...
You will not see them, because...
A This government has put lots of funding into vaccines.
B We have a tremendous NHS
C The vast majority of the UK population has seen sense and taken full advantage of the vaccine.
At the beginning of this religion we were shown pictures of coffins lined up and piles of corpses in other country.
Wasn't that exposed as fake?
No, sorry, there is absolutely zero similarity. Religion is based on belief in something entirely intangible. A pandemic such as we have, is entirely tangible, can effect many and the evidence is irrefutable that it does exist. Statistics prove how it spreads and how it can be controlled - at least for those who will listen.
Listen to yourself: pandemic is tangible.
Since when old and sick people dying of respiratory problems is a pandemic?
Google the stats for previous years and see for yourself.
Magically since Our Lord, the Magnificent Covid appeared on the scene, all other diseases have virtually disappeared.
Further: religion is based on something intangible.
Can't you see, smell, taste and touch nature?
Don't you exist?
Besides, how is Lord Covid, the Omnipotent tangible?
Have you seen Him?
Exactly what I'm saying, thanks!
Trouble is, Johnny2007 will not believe it until they actually burn corpses outside his/her front door..
I'm a bloke, a politically incorrect one, so I assume that you, Harry, are a man with b@llox and anyone who finds objection to my assumption is a nut case and should be locked up.
I believe in Lord Covid, the One and only God when I see hundred of people around me dying or getting very sick.
So far I know a handful of friends and family who caught it, including me, and it wasn't worse than a flu.
Don't know anybody who (really) died from it.
Mind you, I live in London and know and see hundred of people.
I must be lucky.