Apart from the fact that it isn't true that the hospitals will be clogged up, it may well turn out that those who would prefer to wait and see are a tad brighter than those who are blindly taking part in the largest human medical experiment ever.Were it not for the fact that refuseniks who catch it will clog up hospitals and possibly infect others Id quite cheerfully say let the thickos die.
The average age of death because of/with covid (we'll never know the truth of which is which) is higher than the actual average age of all deaths in the UK.
Given the amount of time and resources spent on what is in real terms a virus that has a low kill ratio, I wonder how many of those 'others' (many of them younger people) will die because of the massive backlog of routine/vital treatments?
And I'm wondering at what point those who happily take a not fully tested vaccine will become 'refuseniks' themselves, or will they just carry on allowing themselves to be jabbed with anything they are told to have?